2014년 11월 29일 토요일


Git Down On It

General web

Doks [github] is a customizable documentation generator to make docs easier to doc.
Illookinati [github] is a JavaScript library to help any page element watch your mouse constantly in a creepy way.
Gitdown [github] is a markdown preprocessor to make maintaining GitHub documentation easier.
Detekt [github] is a Python tool to scan a Windows’ system’s memory for malware.
Elf [github] is a small, powerful Stylus grid built with calc().
ScaleDrone [scaledrone] is an easy (though non-free) way to add push messaging and real-time capabilities to your apps.
Some thoughts on the WatchKit APIs and the device itself [furbo], this is a great round-up of what the SDK has for developers, and includes plenty of links to further watch-ey reads.

Small but Mighty


Here’s a massive collection of Android and Material Design icons [github], for those who need em.
Four Shadows [github] is a JavaScript library that lets your icons have shadows that match the time of day. Such an unnecessary but awesome feature.
TinyJPG [tinyjpg] makes JPEGs tiny.

Junior Senior


A bunch of great articles went up on SitePoint over the weekend. First up, there’s this piece on why mobile-first designs are important.
Then we take a look at SEO and pagination, a sometimes difficult relationship.
And then there’s an article about integrating Shopify with a WordPress blog, to make online shopping even easier!



A reminder, if one was needed, that you can’t beat Apple at some stuff, like large-scale manufacture of certain complicated things [medium] or ridiculous collaborations with U2.
If you want to know why chat app Slack is such a buzzed-about thing at the moment, you could do worse than read this interview with CEO Stewart Butterfield [technologyreview]. Here’s a choice quote, on the subject of whether the app (which seems fine!) needs to be improved: Oh, God, yeah. I try to instill this into the rest of the team but certainly I feel that what we have right now is just a giant piece of s***. Like, it’s just terrible and we should be humiliated that we offer this to the public. Not everyone finds that motivational, though.
Front [frontapp] is an app that helps make shared email addresses (“sales@yourcompany” or whatever) easier to manage and less hellish.
Here’s a great post from Fog Creek (who made productivity app Trello, among other things) about how they scale customer service by fixing things twice [blog.fogcreek].



SpaceX founder Elon Musk has teased a few cool new things: “X-wing fins” and an ocean launchpad thing [thenextweb].
Finally, you can now buy exoskeleton power suits in Japan [blogs.wsj]. They let the wearer pick up objects with about a third of the usual effort, and are controlled via a mouthpiece thingy. Not quite Iron Man, but it’s a start.

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