2014년 12월 2일 화요일

A weekly newsletter highlighting everything AngularJS

Many of us have heard about Material Design by now, but haven't seen many useful examples, but check out JSCalc.io below. Lost a bit of faith in Angular after the whirlwind of discussions surrounding 2.0? Fret not. Codementor Jose Aguinaga gives us solid reasons to continue down this path or consider it for new and current projects.

Adopting AngularJS for Enterprise Software

Nick has been doing enterprise software for over 15 years and you can learn from his short talk about how rangle.io's experience with AngularJS through their case studies and architectural decisions.
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In Defense of AngularJS

"Whenever a see an opinion about AngularJS, I realise something: people are trying to describe diving by swimming. In other words, most people try to apply their current mindset (e.g. jQuery, Backbone) to AngularJS philosophy. People try to give AngularJS a shoot, do a few lines, code a todo app, fix some code, and then jump to immediate conclusions."
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Preparing for the future of AngularJS

by @seriema
"What's the migration path for 2.0?" That's the question that already being asked. "It's really hard for us to build a bridge to a city that doesn't exist yet." -- Brad Green, Engineering Director, Angular core team. It starts with understanding the problems that Angular tries to solve, but here are some early considerations.
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Getting up-to-speed with AngularJS in 1 day

Where do we start? How do I start? What should I do first? These are common questions asked even by experienced developers. Whether you're evaluating AngularJS or looking to see why it's got lots of mindshare. This is a great place to begin covering many of the resources we've recommended before.
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angular fabulous forms

by @johannesjo
AngularJS forms are pretty nice. But if you have worked with Angular for a while, you'll find that the out-of-the-box-mechanics like the instant validation are not far from perfect. Furthermore you catch yourself declaring the same stuff on and on again like giving a novalidate attribute and preventing for submission for invalid forms. There's a better way.
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by @ivan7237d
An open-source webapp built with the new Angular Material library. There's been some chirps here and there about what exactly Material Design brings. Here's a beautiful demonstration of what can enhance a user's experience.
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