2014년 12월 5일 금요일

The Latest from Boing Boing

The Addams Family - The Complete Series

Hoping to develop a well balanced child, this weekend I plan to show my daughter The Addams Family.

While John Astin's Gomez Addams is one of my favorite TV characters of all time, I am pretty sure my daughter will fixate on Wednesday, or Carolyn Jones' as Morticia. Heck, I'll fixate on Morticia. I both hope and expect our home to be filled with the "snap snap" of their theme song for weeks to come.
The Addams Family - The Complete Series
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Haunted Mansion infinity scarves
From Sassy Skirts for Girls: made to order Haunted Mansion infinity scarves in canonical purple and black and fetching slate blue ($31 each).
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Spain's top piracy-fighter goes to jail for embezzling $50K to spend in brothels
Pedro Farré was head of corporate relations for the Sociedad General de Autores y Editores, and he falsified €40K worth of receipts for all night binges where he consumed Champagne and sexual services at brothels, claiming the funds were spent entertaining and meeting with senior cops, journalists, and academics.
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How the Enigma code-machines worked
With the release of the Alan Turing biopic "The Imitation Game," interest in the Enigma cipher used by the Axis powers and broken by Turing and the exiled Polish mathematicians at Bletchley Park has been revived.
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UK Tories demand a "ban this terrorist filth" button for the Web, ISPs comply
David Cameron says that the reason Britons are fighting with IS is that they were hypnotised by unstoppable sorcerous "extremist" words on the net and that the best way to fight this is to get the big UK ISPs to agree to block any "extremist" content that's reported by the eagle-eyed public and added to (yet another) secret, unaccountable, extrajudicial list of websites that can't be reached from behind the Great Firewall of Cameron -- and the big ISPs agree with him!
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EFF makes DoJ admit it lied in court about FBI secret warrants
Department of Justice lawyers told a judge that when the FBI gives one of its secret National Security Letters to a company, the company is allowed to reveal the NSL's existence and discuss its quality -- it lied.
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Handmade Dishonored masks
You've got until Dec 7 to pre-order one of Rob De Maio's handmade, incredibly detailed masksfrom the game Dishonored. (via Geeky Merch)
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Supercell tornado in Nebraska: GIF
“Supercell tornado at West Point Nebraska.” via Reddit.
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Hand-carved wood emoji, a manly-man's emoticon set by Nick Offerman

“Nick Offerman's solid oak emojis are a more old-fashioned, more personal, more American mode of communication.” From CONAN.
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Sleepy red panda takes a nap

photo by Boing Boing reader John Sonderman shot at Prospect Park Zoo, Brooklyn, NY, and shared in the Boing Boing Flickr Pool.
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We landed a freaking spacecraft on a comet. This GIF and video explain Rosetta's 12-year journey.

Human beings reached a new space exploration milestone this week: landing the Rosetta mission's Philae probe on a comet some 316 million miles from Earth.
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Big Mouth: "Ridin' the Dog!"
This one was written by Canadian cartoonist David Collier in 1994. It’s about the antics of prankster zinester Mike Haeg, better known as Mr. Mike. "I drew it up in pencil and then it was inked by my housemate, future Fantagraphics editor Eric Reynolds," says Pat Moriarity Read the rest...
Camouflage cakes and sweets are a (delicious) thing

Ace of Cakes star Duff Goldman, a Baltimore-based pastry chef famous for creative sweets, has jumped on the camo-cake bandwagon with “Camouflage” and “Pink Camouflage” cake mixes.
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OXO Good Grips Stainless Steel Measuring Cup Set
The sheer number of OXO products available and the variety of price points they are built to makes it inevitable that some of them will be duds.
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University of Michigan makes up a bunch of non-reasons why it doesn't have to do record retention
The University of Michigan campus newspaper, Michigan Daily, is investigating a campus scandal that resulted in the athletic director resigning and a football player being expelled for sexual misconduct, but the university has engaged in blatantly illegal destruction of records to stymie the investigation.
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Residents of upscale LA neighborhoods pissed at Waze. They're fighting back in the most passive-aggressive way possible.
Waze is a smartphone app that offers real-time smart route alternatives to help drivers avoid congested freeways. In Los Angeles, Waze often directs drivers to side streets through upscale neighborhoods, so surface streets in neighborhoods also become congested with traffic.
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Amazon and Hachette kiss and make up
After nearly a year of Amazon (the largest bookseller on earth) refusing to sell books from one of the largest publishers on earth, they've finally made peace.
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Amazing martial arts performance
From the 10th World Wushu Championships in Toronto (2009). The martial art is Duilian, also known as Wushu. Based on this Wiki page, the spear she's slicing the air to shreds with is the Qiang, a flexible spear with red horsehair at the head.
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Nuclear weapons crew had Just one wrench for 450 intercontinental ballistic missiles

A Pentagon study of the US nuclear weapons infrastructure revealed “systemic problems across the nuclear enterprise,” reports the New York Times.
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Anonymous portable library that constantly receives free data from space
Lantern is an Indiegogo funded project that receives data transmitted by satellite. You can pre-order one for $100.
Lantern continuously receives radio waves broadcast by Outernet from space.
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