2015년 1월 27일 화요일

Free Crochet Pattern- Vintage Ripple Fan Scarf

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I've been in the midst of trying to sell my house over the past month.  For me, it is total stress.  The holidays brought very few showings, but now that the season is over I am hoping that things improve.  Sitting around and doing nothing is totally not my style, so as I wait for that perfect person to wander into my house and yell, "This is it!", I have found myself taking on more and more projects.
I'd love to share a few of those projects with you- an upcoming quilt pattern, a few fun camper pot holders, and even a free crochet pattern called a Vintage Ripple Fan Scarf.  Want to see?
vintage fan ripple crochet stitch
The Vintage Ripple Fan Pattern comes from one of my old crochet magazines.  I updated the pattern just a bit and am in the process of making a brightly colored scarf with it.  And while I was at it, I even dabbled a bit in the field of videos and created a video to demonstrate the Double Triple Crochet stitches that are used in the fans of this pattern.  See, I told you I've been industrious!
Want the pattern?  Page down to the end of this post to find the free downloadable pattern along with my instructional video! But first, let me show you what else is going on around the Sitcom house!

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