2015년 2월 25일 수요일

Microsoft muddles cloud storage in Office 365 for iOS

InfoWorld Mobilize
February 25, 2015

Microsoft muddles cloud storage in Office 365 for iOS

Office 365's broadened cloud support may appear to be one of those "IT loses, users win" moments. Office 365's cloud file management is not that straightforward or consistent, and the new services aren't as accessible as you would hope.

Issue highlights

White Paper: LogMeIn

Collaboration 2.0 Death of the Web Conference

This new study from Ovum and join.me by LogMeIn is based on a survey of over 3,900 full time professionals worldwide regarding their collaboration and meeting-related behaviors and activities. LEARN MORE

How to choose a database for your mobile apps

Data synchronization and offline capabilities are key to successful mobile apps. Follow these guidelines to selecting a provider. READ MORE

Google buys mobile wallet technology from Softcard

On Monday, Google said it had reached a deal with three of the country's major cellular carriers to acquire "technology and capabilities" from Softcard, a competing mobile wallet app developed jointly by the carriers. But the deal appears to be less about technology and more about branding. READ MORE

AirWatch upgrades management platform with closer ties to Apple

Authentication using Apple's Touch ID and more control when rolling out new apps are two of the upgrades in the latest version of VMware AirWatch's mobile management platform. The timing of the launch isn't a coincidence; Tuesday marks the first anniversary of VMware's acquisition of AirWatch. READ MORE

Bluetooth starts weaving its mesh for IoT

Backers of Bluetooth plan to give the technology a way to form mesh networks, dramatically extending its range and potentially its role in the Internet of Things. Meshes mean that connected things such as thermostats and lights can communicate without going through a nearby PC or dedicated hub device.READ MORE
White Paper: LogMeIn

Bridging the Gap Between Users and IT

The BYOA trend is accelerating, as more users are ditching their current solution and introducing their own collaboration apps into the workplace, often without consulting IT. Read this study to learn four ways IT pros can regain control of collaboration. LEARN MORE

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