2014년 12월 8일 월요일


Top of the Line

General web

SmartUnderline [eager] is an app to make implementing proper, gorgeous link underlines easy.
clicktap [github] is a JavaScript library to eliminate the common 300ms click delay on touch devices.
Watson [github] is a Python web framework designed to be easy-to-use, letting you get on with coding your app (thanks Simon!)
To celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Firefox, Mozilla has released a specialist Developer Edition [mozilla] of the browser, complete with WebIDE, a responsive design view, and a host of debugging tools.
Mozilla has also launched MozVR [mozvr], a virtual reality website for learning about virtual reality websites.



Materialize [github] is a CSS framework based on Material Design.
Type Genius [typegenius] is a site that helps you find fonts that pair well with others.



As mentioned above, it’s Firefox’s 10-year anniversary, here are 10 reasons to celebrate, looking at some of the advances brought to the world by the browser.

Utility Belt


The Electronic Frontier Foundation is asking the United States Supreme Court to review an appellate court decision that said application programming interfaces are copyrightable [eff]. This is obviously pretty important to everyone that uses APIs, or everyone that uses things that use APIs, so, basically everyone.
Meanwhile, US president Barack Obama is asking the Federal Communications Commission to classify the internet as a utility [medium], a powerful message in favor of net neutrality. Of course, as some have pointed out [marco], the FCC is an independent body with a former cable-company lobbyist at the helm, so we’ll see how that goes.
And here’s an argument against Amazon’s hardware design, saying the tech giant has no taste [dcurt].



Emojitracker [emojitracker] is a realtime visaulization of all the emojis being used on Twitter at any one time. As the site itself warns, you may want to avoid if you’re sensitive to flashing lights etc.
Speaking of emoticons, here’s Donger List [dongerlist], a collection of Dongers — or kaomoji — unicode characters created to form different emoticons. Like this little guy: ༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ
Startup Threads [startupthreads] is a way for new companies to get their logos on shirts that can go on people to create “buzz”.
Finally, this is the ridiculous tech profile of the person everyone is deriding at the moment: Shingy, AOL’s “Digital Prophet” [newyorker]. There are so many good lines in this, but this paragraph is one of the best:
AOL pays him a six-figure salary for—for doing what, exactly? “Watching the future take shape across the vast online landscape,” Shingy says. “I fly all around the world and go to conferences.”

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