2015년 1월 31일 토요일

Is Happy Hour Affecting Your Weight Loss?

Saturday January 31
Saturday January 31
iPhone Android 

The Regimen
Can You Drink and Lose Weight?
Whether it's cocktails on ladies' night out, a beer at the bar, or a glass of wine with dinner, most of us enjoy a drink (or two!) every now and again. But remember what I've been teaching you: In addition to being aware of the foods that are good for you, you need to know which ones are not so great. And let's face it — alcohol is in the latter camp.
How alcohol hurts weight loss »

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The Fuel
Stay Healthy on Super Bowl Sunday
The average American watching the Super Bowl on Sunday will consume 1,200 calories and 50 grams of fat from snacks alone, which is the entire daily calorie allowance for some people! Don't worry, you can stay happy and healthy while still indulging in a few of your favorite treats.
Tips and recipes to keep you on track »

The Challenge
Move of the Week: Hollowman
Need a new challenge for your abs? This exercise will really get your muscles burning! At first, try to hold the pose for 30 seconds, then work your way up to a minute or longer.
Learn how to perfect this move »

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