2015년 2월 6일 금요일

INSTANT MBA: 2 things only terrible bosses say

Business Insider
Instant MBA

February 06, 2015

There are good bosses, bad bosses, andterrible bosses.

If your manager says either of these two statements on a regular basis, they most likely fall into the latter category.

"This is the way we have always done it."

"History is seldom a strong justification for deciding not to change things," writes Pree Sarkar, a director at Searchcraft Recruitment, in a recent LinkedIn post.

Tradition has its place, but all leaders should actively embrace change and look for new ways to do things, he says. "Bad managers fear change, and this statement clearly indicates that the person who made it justifies his or her actions without thinking about new opportunities."
This is not the sort of person who should lead others.

"You're lucky to have a job."

"Some people may think that they are lucky to have a job, especially when a company is struggling to achieve its targets or is in decline, but it is damaging for a manager to say this to people," says Sarkar. "Ineffective managers try to wield their authority negatively with team members to make them work harder because they don't know how to coach and motivate people."

Good managers, however, know that motivated teams work hard and get good results, without any attempt to bully them into gratitude, he adds.
Read the full LinkedIn post here.

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SEE ALSO: 3 questions you should NEVER ask in a job interview

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