2015년 2월 6일 금요일

Side Effects of MS Treatment

 Friday, February 06, 2015
Multiple Sclerosis
needleTreatment Side Effects
Most side effects of MS medications are minor, but some can be serious. Learn about the most common reactions and risks.
Treating Lhermitte's Sign
This “electric shock” sensation is often one of the first symptoms of MS. Find out what you can do about it.
Get Personalized Coping Tips
Answer a few questions and get customized advice to help manage your symptoms.
Is Your Loved One Keeping Secrets?
MS can be hard to talk about. 5 issues they may be dealing with, and how you can help them.
6 Possible Signs You’re Having a Relapse
Learn the warning signs of flare-ups, what can cause them, and how you can help prevent them.
Is MS Affecting Your Sex Life?
Lifestyle changes and other treatments can help with sex problems, just as they help with MS symptoms.
Live and Thrive With MS
Join a private Facebook group moderated by WebMD. It's a safe place to ask questions, share positive messages, discuss the latest news, and more.

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