2015년 2월 3일 화요일

More bandwidth! The FCC defines broadband right at last

InfoWorld Technology: Networking
February 03, 2015

More bandwidth! The FCC defines broadband right at last

The FCC has officially defined broadband Internet service as 25Mbps down, 3Mbps up. This is more than six times the previous standard of 4Mbps down and represents a major shift in how the Internet is regarded by the U.S. government.

Issue highlights

White Paper: Hughes Network Systems, LLC

The Enterprise Network Enables Business Innovation

Customer engagement, internal collaboration, and the emergence of digital products and services all rely on a quality network infrastructure. As a result, the enterprise network no longer functions as a commodity but becomes a key function for success in the age of the customer. LEARN MORE

FCC to vote on overturning two state laws limiting municipal broadband

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission will vote late this month on whether to overturn laws in North Carolina and Tennessee that limit the expansion of municipal broadband networks within their borders. READ MORE

FCC chairman looks set to throw down strong Net neutrality rules

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is about to propose strong Net neutrality rules that would ban paid "fast lanes" and cover both fixed and mobile networks.READ MORE
White Paper: Hughes Network Systems, LLC

Why Is a Cloud Enabled WAN Important?

The explosion of new types and volumes of data, and demands for 360° visibility and near real-time accuracy is changing the nature of retail computing. But IT shops continue to face a number of challenges to deliver service levels in the face of exploding demand. LEARN MORE

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