2015년 3월 6일 금요일

What Swoodson Said - Week of 3/6/15

Read/Shop/See Links, Social Sewing Calendar Updates, Blog Post Recaps, & Shop News
Happy March! I'm scheduling all newsletters out ahead of time although my due date isn't until this weekend. I am basically either in pain and pregnant or in pain in the hospital while you're reading this - either way hopefully it's warmer by then! Let me know what you're making these days? -Stephanie


  • "How Reading Transforms Us" by Keith Oatley and Maja Djikic for the New York Times is a short opinion piece looking at how reading can move people to self-reflect on their personalities and view themselves differently. I'd never read about the studies they referenced, but it makes me wonder if the same could be true for trying more artistic types of crafts, or learning more about an artist? What do you think?
  • Have you heard of bitcoin? I think this piece on CNN, "Buying Bitcoin: Morgan Spurlock Looks to Live Off Online Currency" by Jason Kurtz, gives a good overview of what exactly it is, though I haven't seen Spurlock's show. I wonder how bitcoin will affect the handmade industry.



A new month means a new TSNEM project! I tried gelatin printing - have you heard of it? I printed on fabric and on paper and am definitely going to try it again, read more about the experience.
You know I love applique, so I'm sharing another free pattern this week! This palette applique was inspired by my Little Artist Palette softie pattern and is perfect for crayon roll-ups, clothes, and zip pouches. Download it and see more pictures here!
I nursed my son until he self-weaned at 18 months and it's a little mind-boggling to think about gearing up to do it again. We will definitely be nursing on the go more often now that there's a toddler in the picture, so I rounded up all the nursing friendly sewing patterns and tutorials I could find in this post.
Squeezing in a little Spring project before I have this baby! A quick and easy EPP geometric bunny rabbit pattern for ya. Download it!
This week I added these events to the social sewing calendar:

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