2014년 12월 11일 목요일

Data Today: 3 data trends (and their challenges)

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1. 3 Trends in Big Data (and the Challenges They Pose)

What will it take to make Big Data clean, standardized, and scalable for effective analysis and broad application?

2. Can You Balance Privacy and Security?

Timothy Mitchener-Nissen argues that "when assessed individually each intervention may constitute a justifiable trade-off. However, when combined together, these interventions will ultimately reduce privacy to zero."

3. Recording Bankers = Profits

New regulations are requiring banks to record their traders' phone calls. The banks that analyze that data can turn compliance into actionable—profitable—information.

4. Strata + Hadoop World San Jose News

Strata + Hadoop World in San Jose (February 17-20) is open, and here's just some of what's new for 2015: We've moved to a larger, more central venue indowntown San Jose. We've also added several small group, in-depth training sessions on: Designing and Building Big Data applications, Advanced Apache Spark, and Machine Learning and Exploratory Modeling with SAS and Hadoop.

Strata + Hadoop World sells out every year. If you want to secure your place,register now at Best Price.
See All Sessions →

5. Don't Break the Mainframe

Lockheed Martin is working with government agencies that are dealing with massive amounts of data—running programs on mainframes using COBOL. Here’s how they’re using Hadoop as a "data middleman" for agencies that can’t go offline.

6. Show' em a Chart

It doesn’t matter if the data's no good. A recent study shows that people are moreinclined to believe something if it's presented in chart form.

7. Big Moose is Watching You

Outdoor retailer L.L. Bean's meticulous use of big data enables them to delight their customers with extremly personalized reccommendations—in-store as well as online.

8. Freebie of the Week

Innobvation, Secuurity & ComplianceIn the free ebook, Innovation, Security, and Compliance in a World of Big Data, Mike Barlow asks the critical question: "Can data security and rapid business innovation coexist?"

Download Free Ebook →

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