2014년 12월 11일 목요일

The small and surprisingly dangerous detail the police track about you

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DECEMBER 11, 2014


Catherine Crump: The small and surprisingly dangerous detail the police track about you

05:54 minutes · TEDGlobal 2014
A very unsexy-sounding piece of technology could mean that the police know where you go, with whom, and when: the automatic license plate reader. These cameras are innocuously placed all across small-town America to catch known criminals, but as lawyer and TED Fellow Catherine Crump shows, the data they collect in aggregate could have disastrous consequences for everyone the world over.
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Who are the hackers?

Who are the hackers?

The Internet connects us as never before, but there's a dark side to this web. Who are the hackers who wreak havoc online? And what is it they want? Sociologists, criminologists and hackers themselves shed light … Watch »
9 talks · Total run time 2:12:54

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