2015년 1월 7일 수요일

The Daily Build - 7 Jan 2015. C#: WebBrowser vs Gecko vs Awesomium vs OpenWebKitSharp: What To Choose And How to Use

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Wednesday, January 07, 2015
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New Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips

.NET Framework

  (3 votes) by Aurélien BOUDOUX (updated yesterday)
a reflection and a tool to create a real modular architecture
  (2 votes) by MarkLTX (updated 19 hours ago)
Allow users to "magnify" your WPF application!


  (0 votes) by Paulo Zemek (updated yesterday)
Thread-Safety GuaranteesWhen I finished the post Constrained C# (also see the Part 2) I was talking about thread-safety. For the Constrained C# I was proposing an idea of SynchronizationRequired and I know that idea is not perfect. Yet, I really don't know if we can keep the spirit of C# with the id

Client side scripting

  (3 votes) by Alexander Chernosvitov (updated 13 hours ago)
Object-oriented approach to Web Application developing using JavaScript
  (1 votes) by Riverama (updated yesterday)
Improve ASP.NET MVC based SPA application performance by using script Bundles with requireJS
  (1 votes) by Andrei Macarie (updated 19 hours ago)
Intro This post shows a way to structure the web application scripts using TypeScript so that a modular approach may be achieved. The associated sample solution is available on GitHub at: https://github.com/omacarena/novaburst.ModularTypeScript and is best to download it to follow along the way. The

Code Generation

  (1 votes) by Keyhole Software (updated 12 hours ago)
It’s rare that a piece of software as new as Docker is readily adopted by startups along with huge, well established companies. dotCloud, the company that created and maintains Docker, recently nabbed $40 million in funding. Microsoft also announced on 11/18 a Docker CLI for Windows. Docker wi

List Controls

  (1 votes) by Saad_Mahmood (updated 12 hours ago)
Unleashing Path List Box using Expression Blend

Mobile Development

  (1 votes) by Serge Desmedt (updated 19 hours ago)
3 times CP Vantiy from a single codebase (hopefully)


  (1 votes) by Keyhole Software (updated 12 hours ago)
With so much JavaScript development on the client side, it only makes sense that developers and organizations would want to develop server side applications using JavaScript as well.  Node.js has become a popular choice for building server side applications using JavaScript because of its asynchrono

Other .NET Languages

  (1 votes) by Sacha Barber (updated yesterday)
The other day I have a requirement to schedule something in my app to run at certain times, and at fixed intervals there after. Typically I would just solve this using either a simple Timer, or turn to my friend Reactive Extensions by way of Observable.Timer(..). Thing is I decided to have a quick l

Programming Tips

  (17 votes) by John J. Scott (updated yesterday)
An tip that compares the performance of a simple Mandelbrot generator in C# against C++

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Updated Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips

Internet / Network

  (15 votes) by Emiliarge (updated 21 hours ago)
Comparison of 4 browser engines and controls + some tips for their using (in attached projects and in tip text). Short and clear.

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