2015년 3월 12일 목요일

Keep moving when knee or hip pain strikes

March 12, 2015
Harvard Medical School

Keep moving when knee or hip pain strikes

Mobility relies on the body's two largest joints, the hips and knees. We ask a lot of both these joints: they must bear our full weight and coordinate movement over a lifetime of standing, walking, running, dancing, and sports. Not surprisingly, hip and knee pain are common complaints, and nearly everyone who lives into old age can expect some trouble with these joints. But taking care of your hips and knees and managing any pain that arises will help you avoid losing mobility as you age.
Try these self-help measures when knee or hip pain strikes:
Get your copy of Mobility and Independence

Product Page - Mobility and Independence
Mobility and Independence, a Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School, will help you maintain your mobility and safeguard your independence. It gives you recommendations for exercise, diet, preventive care, and lifestyle choices that will keep you stronger and steadier with fewer aches and more stamina. Plus, you’ll get advice for aging in place, adapting and fall-proofing your home, choosing services, and more.

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RICE for acute pain or injuries. RICE, which stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation, is excellent first aid for any type of joint injury.
  • Rest. Don't completely limit your activity — that can make injuries worse. Instead, avoid the type of motion that directly led to the injury, and try activities that keep pressure off the joint (see the list below for some ideas).
  • Ice. A homemade or store-bought ice pack applied to the injured area can reduce pain and swelling. Use it for 20 minutes at a time, with 20-minute pauses in between. Make sure a layer of cloth or other material is between the ice and your skin to protect you from frostbite.
  • Compression. A neoprene support or elastic bandage can promote recovery and reduce swelling. Make sure the wrap isn't so tight that the skin becomes cool or blue.
  • Elevation. Raising an injured leg on a pillow or stool can also reduce swelling by preventing blood from pooling at the injured site.
Heat therapy for long-term pain and stiffness. Ice is the best therapy in the first day or two after an injury to reduce swelling; after that, applying heat can also help ease pain by relieving stiffness and promoting flexibility. You can use a store-bought heating pad or heat a damp towel in the microwave at 20-second increments until it reaches the desired temperature. Make sure the heat you're applying feels warm, not hot, to avoid burning the skin.
It's important to keep joints moving, even when you're dealing with pain from arthritis or an overuse injury. These joint-friendly options can help keep you active:
  • elliptical trainer
  • stationary bike (recumbent or upright)
  • tai chi
  • swimming, water aerobics, or water walking
  • rowing machine
  • short walks throughout the day, instead of a long walk.
For more on how to preserve your mobility so you can stay active, buy Mobility and Independence, a Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School.
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What type of mattress is best for people with low back pain?

Back pain is one of the top reasons that people begin to lose mobility in middle age. Pain can keep people from engaging in physical activity, making it more difficult for them to maintain a healthy weight and keep up their strength, stamina, and balance as they age. So treating and managing back pain that results from injuries or health problems is crucial for staying on the path of a healthy and active life.
Considering that most people spend roughly a third of their lives lying in bed, choosing the right mattress is essential for managing low back pain. It can make the difference in whether you can sleep at night and function the next day.
In the past, doctors often recommended very firm mattresses. But one study, based on a waiting-room survey of 268 people with low back pain, found that those who slept on orthopedic (very hard) mattresses had the poorest sleep quality. There was no difference in sleep quality between those who used medium-firm and firm mattresses.
Soft mattresses, on the other hand, can also be problematic. While a soft mattress that conforms to your body's natural curves may help the joints align favorably, you might also sink in so deeply that your joints twist and become painful during the night.
If you want to find out whether a firmer mattress would feel better than the one you're currently using, try putting a plywood board under your mattress to dampen the movement from the bedsprings, or try placing your mattress on the floor.
Of course, you can also go to a mattress showroom and test a variety of models. But keep in mind that what feels comfortable for a few minutes in a store might not translate into a good night's sleep. A more reliable test is to observe how you feel after sleeping on different types of mattresses while away from home — for example, at a hotel or a friend or relative's house.
For more on how to preserve your mobility so you can stay active, buy Mobility and Independence, a Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School.
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Mobility and Independence

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Mobility and quality of life
Prime movers: Knees and hips
A good foundation: Feet and ankles
A stable support: Your back and posture
Masterful muscles
• ... and more!

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