2015년 1월 1일 목요일

Make This Your Healthy Resolution for 2015!

JANUARY 01, 2015
Start Fresh in 2015!
Want to be your best self this year? Feel confident in your skin? With the help of The Mayo Clinic Diet online — you can. Learn how to drop unhealthy habits that have been holding you back, and gain the skills that will set you up for a lifetime of success. Sign up today!
"Many people have trouble meeting their goals when they try to change too much too fast. Focus on one behavior change at a time."
— Matthew M. Clark, Ph.D., L.P.
Healthy Eating
5 easy ways to eat more fruits and veggies
This year, set the intention to eat more produce. And no, packing more fruits and veggies into your daily diet doesn't need to be a chore. Your main goal is to fill half your plate with fruits and veggies whenever possible. Sound daunting? OK. Then take baby steps with these simple tips. You just may be surprised to find how easy and enjoyable healthy eating can be!
Try these simple tips »
Healthy Choices
Test your serving size IQ
Being able to identify accurate serving sizes is a key component to following the Mayo Clinic Diet. Think you know how many servings of carbohydrates are in two cups of cooked pasta? Challenge your servings smarts with this quiz.

Take the quiz now »
Today's Fitness Tip
Overcome your exercise insecurities
Are you a fitness novice? Don't worry — gain confidence with these tips: 1. Exercise early in the morning or late in the evening, when fewer people are around. 2. Ask a fitness expert to demonstrate proper technique. 3. Sign up for an exercise class that includes other beginners. 4. Work out in the privacy of your own home with exercise DVDs or gym equipment.


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