2015년 1월 17일 토요일

Read the Fine Print on Labels

Saturday January 17
iPhone Android 

The Tools
Read the Fine Print on Labels
Many packaged food items that are billed as healthy on the front label, reveal another story when you check out the ingredients on the back. Don't be fooled by advertising. Avoid bad choices and be on alert for common food label traps like these.
Learn what to look out for »

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The Results
Real-Life Success Stories
Did you just kick off a new diet and fitness regimen? Get inspired to stick with it by taking a few cues from these women who used my online tips and tools to get real results. They changed their lives!
Read their stories »

The Challenge
Move of the Week: Pendulum Lunge
Lunges are pretty simple, but if you want to switch things up, give this move a try. It's a dynamic lunge that will tone your lower body and core. Add a hammer curl to really amp up your intensity!
Watch a video of this exercise »

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