2015년 2월 17일 화요일

Getting the Silos to Talk

good words are worth much, and cost little
purchase me!
Companies get so big, they forget to talk to themselves. The only thing moving in between silos becomes the customer. This is a really bad place to be.
Luckily, all you have to do to fix it? Start a conversation.
what being part of something larger looks like
You know that old phrase we keep trotting out - "the best businesses are part of something larger"?

VMware is one of those businesses. We've been working together on their culture, and it's an exciting time to be there because they are poised to take over their industry...

4 new products. A partnership with Google. A bunch of great services for their enterprise clients. Creating not just the future of tech, but the future of business. Paying attention to what people really want - clients AND employees.

Above is some client work we did for them around their core beliefs. You know a company is living its message when what's in the news matches what's on their walls. Exactly.

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