2014년 12월 24일 수요일

No one is interested in sexy

Friday December 19, 2014
The "This American Life" spinoff may be the first break-out hit of the medium. But, Vanity Fair argues, the podcast -- just like the novel, film and TV show before it -- will eventually advance past its early serialized days.Read more.
 'Serial,' The First Groundbreaking Podcast, Is Only Scratching The Surface
In the first installment of new HuffPost series "Popular Things That Are Also Good," we discuss the many merits of Clarkson's iconic breakup song. Check your music-snobbery at the door. Read more.

An Ode To Kelly Clarkson's 'Since U Been Gone'
"Doug," "The Rugrats" and "Ren and Stimpy" brought sheer delight to a generation of children. But for the adults working behind the scenes, the process wasn't all smiles. Read more.

One Woman Is Responsible For Starting Nickelodeon's Golden Age Of Cartoons
In the first stage of TV's golden age, there was a beautiful synchronicity between critical acclaim and popularity. Now, Grantland claims, the television landscape is more fractured than ever. Read more.

Breaking Down Television In The Post-‘Breaking Bad' Era
"A female character where her sole power is her sex and her sexual attraction is not an interesting thing to watch. If a woman is there posing and trying to be sexy, no one is interested in that." Read more.

Jessica Chastain Wants More Diversity In Hollywood

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