2015년 1월 24일 토요일

10 things you should worry about in 2015

InfoWorld's Developer World
January 22, 2015

10 things you should worry about in 2015

When the existing order shakes up the way it has over the past year or so, something's gotta give. Maybe you depend on some of those things, maybe not -- either way it's time to fret.

Issue highlights

Resource compliments of: LinkTek

Declare war on broken file links!

You're fighting a battle being waged against broken links contained within your company’s files! Your weapon is "LinkFixer Advanced". LinkFixer Advanced is a patented software tool that automatically fixes broken links within Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Acrobat, AutoCAD, MicroStation, InDesign, HTML, Windows Shortcut and other files. GET YOUR FREE TRIAL VERSION TODAY!

‘It just works’? Not so for too many Apple users

Almost no one acts surprised when bugs show up in Microsoft's software. It's simply standard operating procedure. When members of the Apple tribe engage in public hand-wringing, it's time to pay attention. READ MORE

Compile C# to JavaScript with DuoCode

Using Microsoft Roslyn and Visual Studio, dev shops with C# assets can compile apps to run in the browser with no extra coding. READ MORE

Microsoft debuts TypeScript 1.4

The latest version of Microsoft's JavaScript alternative includes support for ECMAscript 6. READ MORE

Review: IBM Bluemix bulks up Cloud Foundry

IBM's full-featured PaaS wows with Watson and an amazing array of services, but many are not yet ready for prime time. READ MORE
White Paper: NetApp

Steps to Simplifying Private Cloud Deployment

Today, all the rules are being rewritten, both inside and outside the data center. The reason: virtualization. Read this paper to see how enterprises can derive competitive advantage by using virtualization technologies to build the most agile infrastructures.VIEW NOW>>

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