2015년 1월 24일 토요일

Pharmacist Check-In: Tips to Make Depression Therapy Work for You

January 22, 2015
Pharmacist Check-In: Tips to Make Depression Therapy Work for You
Facts and Tips about Antidepressants
By Shereen A. Gharbia, PharmD
Psychotherapy (talk therapy) is an important part of treatment for depression. Psychotherapy is hard work, but the rewards are worth it. Once you have found the right therapist, you will need to define your needs and treatment goals, be open and honest, and commit to the process.

Patients often wonder how to maximize success in psychotherapy. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your sessions:

Take a whole hour: Most therapy sessions are only 50 minutes long. Arrive 10 minutes early to catch your breath, collect your thoughts and prepare for your session. Let the therapist be in charge of ending the session on time.

Make it part of your life: Therapy works best when you take what you learn and apply it to real-world situations.

Next Newsletter:
Pharmacist Check-In: How Are You Sleeping?

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