2015년 1월 24일 토요일

Healthy Eating Tips for Your Family

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 January 22, 2015
Start fresh in 2014! Starting January 6, Everyday Health's January Jumpstart: Four Weeks to a Happier, Healthier You Challenge will give you the tools and advice you need to make your healthy New Year's resolution a reality. Join Everyday Health's all-star team, which includes nutritionist Connie Guttersen. We'll help you make the shifts you need to eat, think, and live better in 2014 and beyond. Join us!

Healthy Eating Tips for Your Family

It can be tough to stick to a diet, but it can be even tougher if your family insists on keeping non-Sonoma Diet food in the kitchen. However, there's nothing odd about the food in The New Sonoma Diet. Anyone can eat it and enjoy it. There's no reason why the meal you prepare for yourself can't be for everyone. Give them a challenge. Ask them to try Sonoma Diet meals for a week. Serve your favorite recipes from the diet and see what happens. They can have it their way, you'll have it your way, and the conflict will at least be minimized. Anything that can be done to help all of you enjoy a slow meal together is beneficial for everybody.
Also, help them along the way. Keep nutrient-rich choices like ready-cut veggies, fruits, whole grains, nut butters, and yogurts available and the not-so-great foods out of sight or out of the house. Let them see that a healthy kitchen is no deprivation.

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Tomorrow:  Lapses: A Regular Part of Any Diet

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Connie's Tip of the Day

Smart Snacking for Kids

What are your kids up to when you're not around? If they're making their own snacks and eating them in their rooms or in front of the TV, it's likely that they're not paying much attention to what, or how much they're eating. To help them eat healthier, designate a snack spot in the fridge or a cupboard and split up cheeses, veggies, and dips into single-serving sizes, so they're ready to grab when the kids come home from school.


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