2015년 2월 9일 월요일

18 ways to get the most out of Android 5.0

InfoWorld Daily AM
February 09, 2015

18 ways to get the most out of Android 5.0

Google's Android 5.0 operating system is making its way to devices around the world -- and like any major OS upgrade, it brings with it a whole new set of options, features, and shortcuts to master. Here's how to handle Android 5.0 like a pro. READ MORE

Issue highlights

White Paper: Attachmate

Why your existing solution might not be adequate

To meet the demands of today's business landscape, IT staffs must take steps to secure and integrate their information assets, while satisfying compliance mandates and optimizing corporate efficiency. This white paper presents managed file transfer (MFT) as a way to meet corporate information and data management requirements.READ MORE

One small step for the FCC ...

... And one giant leap for the ISPs? Changes in the wake of the proposed Title II regulations may take longer than you think. READ MORE

5 projects that push Python performance

Python's never been as speedy as C or Java, but several projects are in the works to get the lead out of the language. READ MORE

Wiki creator reinvents collaboration, again

The engine of the Internet is collaboration, which this blog is dedicated to exploring. True Internet collaboration began with the wiki -- which just underwent a complete transformation. READ MORE

7 critical things to cover in your disaster-recovery plan

As always, you never know when a disaster will strike, so better to have a checklist on hand so that panic doesn’t set in when the network goes down. READ MORE
: NexGen Storage

Flash: The Role of Solid-State Storage in the Data Center

Flash-based storage in servers and SANs can bring an enormous performance boost to your applications. Here’s what you need to know about today’s hottest storage technology. LEARN MORE

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