2015년 2월 9일 월요일

5 Facts That Show How Much Many Americans Struggle | Meet the Christian Religious Terrorists | From Police Brutality Victim to Cop to Politician

Home TODAY'S TOP STORIES - February 9, 2015

Terrell Jermaine Starr, AlterNet
New York pol Eric Adams calls it like he sees it, sometimes angering both cops and activists. He'd also like to be mayor. READ MORE»

Alex Henderson, AlterNet
The U.S. treated Cuba as an enemy while backing deeply oppressive Latin American regimes. READ MORE»

Paul Buchheit, AlterNet
The media celebrates "economic growth," while new data shows most Americans are barely surviving. READ MORE»

By Paul Barbot, AlterNet
I'm a member of the USPS “underclass” that was created to help pave the way so deals such as Amazon Sunday delivery could be reached. READ MORE»

By Karen Weese, AlterNet
Many home health aides love their job, but can't make ends meet. READ MORE»

By David Ferguson, Raw Story
The next time someone tries to tell you that Islam produces the only violent religious extremists of the world, show them these examples.READ MORE»

By Sean McElwee, Salon.com
Pols on both sides of the aisle obsess over the importance of "family structure." Here's why they miss the point. READ MORE»

By Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, Democracy Now!
Johann Hari talks about some of his findings for his latest book about the war on drugs. READ MORE»

By Christian Appy, TomDispatch
How thanking the veteran meant ignoring what happened. READ MORE»

By Margot Ford McMillen, Progressive Populist
The fast food chain recently made a move regarding the sourcing of sustainably-raised pork. READ MORE»

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