2014년 12월 1일 월요일

Top of the Times: December 1, 2014

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Los Angeles Times
Top of the Times
With executive action, Obama risks losing Chief Justice John Roberts
By David G. Savage
US & World
In Arizona, swings in Medicaid access show program's impact
Ferguson police to seek more black recruits; no severance for Darren Wilson
Pet cemetery lets best friends stay together after death

Malls upgrade attractions and services to entice holiday shoppers 
Black Friday weekend sales slump amid holiday bargain marathon
Apps, sites aim to transform apartment rental listings 
No more nightcrawling here for Jake Gyllenhaal
USC's Steve Sarkisian will meet with draft-eligible juniors
Fired up about College Football Playoff; about firings, not so much

La Tuna Canyon fire road leads to views of city, peaks, even the ocean
Companies make healthful food options more readily available to workers
'TRAP laws' are a threat in disguise to abortion rights
L.A. City Atty. Feuer makes valid case for funding under Prop. 47

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