Internet Of Things Contest
It's stage 5 - the last stage - and your challenge in this stage is to expand upon the foundation built in the first four stages of competition and combine hardware, software and web services into a single project to show off your innovation, cleverness, humour or whimsy.There’s a single prize this round for the tutorial that leaves the judges in awe and best demonstrates the power of IoT. Think crazy. Surprise and delight us. Prove your mettle. Contest details here.
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New Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips
Algorithms & Recipes
Systematically generate a unique identifier number for your business applications.
Applications & Tools
Display all records that present in current database using simple script
Date and Time
Design and Architecture
Creating a multi-tenancy system where each tenants data is stored in a separate database, using ASP.NET MVC
Files and Folders
Game Development
Office Development
Processing SAP generated Excel file as a report to get some information
Programming Tips
Follow the tips below to write more beautiful and idiomatic Python code!
Site & Server Management
Tools and IDE
A way to add a custom category for your Visual Studio Templates
Tree Controls
A CTreeCtrl derived control that has four checkbox states
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The process of releasing new software can be complex and lengthy. A rapid feedback cycle that notifies whether the latest build of the software...
Updated Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips
Algorithms & Recipes
Reliable transmission of bulk data over lossy connection without worrying about packets loss
This article introduces the Repository pattern in an MVC application.
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One-call of any DLL function with custom parameters, implemented with C++ tuple and templates.
Client side scripting
A web color picker which looks like the one in Microsoft Office 2010.