2015년 2월 19일 목요일

Research offers new insight on 30-Year-old 'hidden order' physics mystery

02/18/2015 01:27 PM EST

Hsiang-Hsi Kung and Girsh Blumberg with instrument
A new explanation for a type of order, or symmetry, in an exotic material made with uranium may lead to enhanced computer displays and data storage systems, and more powerful superconducting magnets for medical imaging and levitating high-speed trains, according to a Rutgers-led team of research physicists with funding from the National Science Foundation.

Full story at http://news.rutgers.edu/research-news/rutgers-led-research-team-makes-major-stride-explaining-30-year-old-hidden-order-physics-mystery/20150213#.VONjpIY8LCR

Rutgers University

This is an NSF News From the Field item.

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