2014년 12월 14일 일요일

Amazon Unveils $39 Fire TV Stick; Xbox One Gets $50 Holiday Discount; CVS, Rite Aid Ditch Apple Pay

PC Magazine
 Daily News October 28, 2014
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Amazon Unveils $39 Fire TV Stick 
Amazon's Chromecast competitor is here; Amazon Prime members who pre-order now can get it for $19.

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Xbox One Gets $50 Holiday Discount 
The discount applies to any Xbox One console, including special edition bundles.

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Report: CVS, Rite Aid Ditch Apple Pay 
Reports suggest the pharmacies may be eyeing a not-yet-available rival system.

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Fitbit Adds Caller ID, Heart Rate to New Activity Trackers 
Fitbit has three new devices, but the Surge puts the company in competition with other GPS sports watch makers.

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T-Mobile CEO Reveals What's Really Going On With Apple's SIM 
Legere penned a lengthy "tweetstorm" over the weekend that detailed what's going on with the SIMs in the new iPads.

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Twitter to Support Twitpic Archives After Shutdown 
Twitter will take over the Twitpic domain and archive, so Twitpics will remain active "for the time being."

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Elon Musk: Artificial Intelligence Is 'Summoning the Demon' 
Elon Musk is never lacking for metaphors when it comes to AI.

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How IBM Is Fighting Ebola With Supercomputers 
IBM is teaming up with organizations in Africa to crunch some numbers and help get Ebola under control.

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