hackernewsletter |
Issue #236 // January 23, 2015 |
I have to say, this turned out to be an awesome issue with a lot of great reads... so grab a coffee and enjoy. Before doing that though, maybe forward it on to a friend or two? If you've told all your friends, whisper it to some strangers:
#SPONSORLibrato works with the open-source tools you use today. Measure, visualize, and alert on metrics that are critical to the projects you engineer. Full-featured and free for 30 days. #FAVORITES#ASK HN
How do you find freelance/contract gigs? //ycombinator
What's the best way to write an API spec? //ycombinator
µBlock for Firefox //github comments→
Lightbot: A simple programming game //lightbot comments→
How Browsers Work //html5rocks comments→
Bret Victor on working at Apple //worrydream comments→
Python Tips and Traps //airpair comments→
The Silicon C++14 Web Framework //github comments→
Rbkit – a low-pause profiler for ruby //codemancers comments→
An Intuitive Guide to Linear Algebra //betterexplained comments→
Path Tracing 3D Fractals //hvidtfeldts comments→
Alligator Eggs //worrydream comments→
Open Data Structures //opendatastructures comments→
Learn Unix the Hard Way //learnunixthehardway comments→
How rain gets its distinctive smell //washingtonpost comments→
Windows 10: The Next Chapter //microsoft comments→
Working at Netflix //brendangregg comments→
Why We Still Believe in Private Offices //stackoverflow comments→
#FUN |
__END__ |
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