17-02-2015 07:40 PM CET
On 14 February 2015, Rosetta made its closest encounter with Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasemenko at just 6 km from the surface. The spacecraft is no longer orbiting the comet, it is now performing a series of flybys to continue its science. This video explains the next stage of the Rosetta mission, the science that will be done during 2015 by the orbiter’s flybys, and assesses the possibility of the Philae lander’s reactivation from hibernation. So far Rosetta has only mapped about seventy percent of the surface because the comet’s orbit and rotation kept certain areas in darkness. This year new regions will come into view alongside new activity on the surface. When the comet is at the peak of its activity in the summer, Rosetta’s instruments will be there to observe, measure and record a spectacular event. This video was broadcast on ESA TV, details:http://www.esa.int/esatv/
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Time: 04:14 | More inEntertainment |
17-02-2015 09:53 AM CET
Incontrate Paxi, la mascotte dell’Education Office dell’ESA: scoprite da dove viene, cosa gli piace dei viaggi dello spazio, chi sono i suoi amici… Questo video, indirizzato a bambini tra i 6 e i 12 anni, racconta di Paxi, un piccolo alieno proveniente dal pianeta Ally-O che è venuto sulla Terra per incontrare nuovi amici e portare i bambini in avventurosi viaggi alla scoperta dello spazio. Questo è il primo di una serie di animazioni in cui Paxi, la mascotte dell’Education Office dell’ESA, descrive diverse caratteristiche del Sistema Solare, dell’Universo, i segreti del pianeta Terra e molto altro. Credit: ESA; produced by Science Office, illustrations by Kaleidoscope Design, NL Chi è Paxi?http://youtu.be/gKQYsjr4fisPaxi – Il Sistema Solarehttp://youtu.be/A9bEEiXWYEcPaxi – Rosetta e le cometehttp://youtu.be/z6zCjaUcwfQ
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