2014년 11월 27일 목요일

The Latest from Boing Boing

“Super Massive” NES collection for sale
Nate Duke is selling his lifelong collection of Nintendo games. $25,000 gets you “my multi-year obsession” which includes “over 800 of the original US releases as well as a few PAL and Famicom games,” and out-of-print titles. The website is a thing of beauty. [thanks, @veganstraightedge]
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William Shakespeare's Star Wars Trilogy: The Royal Imperial Boxed Set

The boxed, hardcover set of William Shakespeare's Star Wars Trilogy, by Ian Doescher, is now available.
Last year, Mark shared an excerpt of this lovely book.
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Make yourself doxx-resistant by opting out of data-brokers
It's an incredibly arduous, tedious, and deliberately unfriendly process, but you can, in fact, opt out of the data-brokers that are most commonly used to doxx people, uncovering their home addresses, work details, and so on (but beware, you have to do this on a more-or-less monthly basis to stay out of their databases).
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WIFI ODB-II plug in for checking car and motorcycle error codes

When my Check Engine Light goes off I check the error codes with this WIFI enabled ODB-II plug. For $15 it buys me a lot of peace of mind.
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The clown-prince of DHS checkpoint refusal videos
We've covered Checkpoint Refusal videos before (123) -- these are videos recorded by people who object to the DHS's internal checkpoints, where you are asked (but can refuse) to state your citizenship and allow your car to be searched -- but I missed the most prolific, funniest, and weirdest checkpointer of them all: Robert Trudell.
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Baked Potauntaun
This Star Wars-themed Indiegogo campaign seems unlikely to receive the official imprimatur of Lucasfilm. Read the rest...
Fear of aliens is based on our behavior
Some more words of wisdom and perspective from Neil deGrasse Tyson.Our image of evil space aliens surely derives from a fear that they will treat us just as we treat one another.
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Pufferfish are amazing artists
When threatened by predators, they can inflate themselves into giant balloons that are too large to swallow. Parts of their bodies are highly poisonous. Read the rest...
Jurassic Park with cats instead of "velociraptors"
The trailer for the new Jurassic Park film "Jurassic World" has just been released, and it's awesome. (Hello, Chris Pratt-as-dinosaur-hunter!) If you haven't seen it yet, you need toRead the rest...
Vaporizer Review: Ascent by Da Vinci

This review is part of a sponsored content series by Ascent by Da Vinci, a luxury hand-held vaporizer.

Every member of the team here at Boing Boing who has tried Da Vinci's digital hand-held vaporizer, the Ascent, has remarked at how well made the device is, and how good it feels in your hand.
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Vodafone made millions helping GCHQ spy on the world
A newly released Snowden doc, published in the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, shows how Cable and Wireless (now a Vodafone subsidiary) made millions of pounds illegally installing fiber-taps to help GCHQ conduct its programme of mass surveillance.
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Found Night Valeish poetry: Collection of surreal changelog and patch-note messages
@thestrangelog collects "the strange poetry of changelogs and patch notes," publishing them verbatim ("All byzantine emperors will now have clothes regardless of what DLCs are enabled.").
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Dick Cavett & Al Jaffee talk cartooning in a limo
Jeff Newelt says: "Here's a video of a deep sublime conversation between Dick Cavett and Al Jaffee about cartooning... in a limo!"
Jeff wrote about the meeting in Heeb
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Richard Scarry's Busy Town in the 21st Century
Tom the Dancing Bug, IN WHICH the classic childrens' book series is brought into contemporary times. Read the rest...
Favorite self-tracking apps and the best mushroom book
In this week’s episode of the Cool Tools Show, Gary Wolf, Co-founder of Quantified Self, shows us how his favorite Quantified Self inspired apps help him stay consistent, motivated and aware about his most important daily routines. If you’re struggling to keep your healthy habits in check, this week’s episode may help you diagnose where those dips in motivation are coming from.
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Strong Female Protagonist Book One
After a successful Kickstarter campaign, several years' worth of the wonderful webcomic Strong Female Protagonist has been collected in a book called Strong Female Protagonist Book One, and the story is now available in a single, powerful draught. Cory Doctorow reviews a comic that has a lot more to say about justice than the typical superhero story. Read the rest...
Photos of colorful Tokyo
Kevin Kelly searches for maximum vibrancy in Tokyo Read the rest...
Song for Shaker: free the last UK Gitmo prisoner!
Andy writes, "This is the promotional video for a new campaign, We Stand with Shaker, aimed at securing the release from Guantanamo of Shaker Aamer, the last British resident in the prison, who is still held despite being approved for release in 2007 and 2009."
The video includes 'Song for Shaker Aamer' by me, Andy Worthington (the campaign's director, a journalist who has been writing about Guantanamo and campaigning to get the prison closed since 2006) and my band The Four Fathers, as well as clips of the campaign's other promotional gambits - celebrities standing with a giant inflatable figure of Shaker Aamer (as the "elephant in the room" of US-UK negotiations) and photos that people from all around the world have sent in, of themselves standing with signs declaring, "I Stand With Shaker."
We Stand with Shaker
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Essential reading: the irreconcilable tension between cybersecurity and national security
Citizenlab's Ron Diebert lays out the terrible contradiction of putting spy agencies -- who rely on vulnerabilities in the networks used by their adversaries -- in change of cybersecurity, which is securing those same networks for their own citizens.
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Lateral Thinking Puzzles

For this Thanksgiving episode of the Futility Closet podcast, enjoy seven lateral thinking puzzles that didn't make it onto our regular shows. Solve along with us as we explore some strange scenarios using only yes-or-no questions. Happy Thanksgiving!
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Death ray free to a good home
An ad on the Gumtree notice-board site offers up "Simon Hackett's Internode Death Ray" -- a TV ad prop -- free to a good home in South Australia.
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EXCLUSIVE: Photo gallery of Ferguson demonstrators in NYC
Photographer Daniel Schaefer captures the grief, anger, and resolve of demonstrators who took to the streets of Manhattan after the announcement that the police officer who killed unarmed black teen Michael Brown would not be indicted. Read the rest...
Youtube nukes 7 hours' worth of science symposium audio due to background music during lunch break
Yannick writes, "We live-streamed our second annual Canadian conference of Citizens' Climate Lobby, a day of speeches, with a very interesting panel discussion."
Unfortunately, YouTube has muted the entire seven-hour recording because our DJ played music during our lunch break, and YouTube alleges this to be a copyright violation.
(Thanks, Yannick!)
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Kit that lets you build a "chaos machine"
My friend William Gurstelle told me: "Remember when you assigned me the Make magazine story about the Chaotic Double Pendulum?
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The real reason you are motivated to work
It’s likely very easy for you to explain your motivations for going to work. David McRaney is not sure he believes you. Read the rest...
Earth Magic – photography of witches at play and at ritual

There has long been a tension between the witch of legend and the modern day practitioner. The former has its origins mainly in polemical Christian ideas and folktales, where the witch is a consort of the devil, brewing wicked and foul smelling potions in a cast-iron pot, and eating children.
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Plush, hooded superhero bathrobes
If the fleece hooded Captain America bathrobe wasn't to your taste, perhaps you'd preferBatmanHarley Quinn, or Deadpool? $50 each from Thinkgeek.
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Dungeons & Dragons & Philosophy
Ethan Gilsdorf explains why Socrates would have made a good DM and that John Stuart Mill was Lawful Neutral. Catch his talk on Head-Banging, Dice-Rolling, and Summoning Demonstonight in Cambridge, Mass. Read the rest...

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