2015년 1월 28일 수요일

27 Twisted Thoughts that Block Happiness

Psych Central
The Top 5

27 Twisted Thoughts that Block Happiness
Most people have a knack for twisting the truth. What follows are 27 examples of how you can prevent the happiness that might have been yours. All it takes is a tiny, twisted whisper in your mind.

'Losing Everything Was the Best Thing that Ever Happened to Me'
What we can learn from life’s major setbacks.

3 Unavoidable Barriers that Prevent You from Getting What You Want
It is likely that your failure is resulting from one of three areas.

Want More and Better Sex?
Get Married and Stay Married!

Do you believe that singles are having a lot more sex than folks who are married? Well they're not!

Big Boys Don't Cry:
The Emotionally Neglected Man

Emotional responsiveness from parents is extra vital for boys, and boys who don't receive enough grow up to be baffled by all things emotional.

News & Views

Memory More Selective than Previously Thought
New research shows that people may have to “turn on” or prompt their memories to help them remember even the simplest details, indicating that memory is far more selective than previously thought.

Some Common Drugs May Increase
Dementia Risk

If taken at higher doses or for a long time, a certain group of meds may increase the risk for developing dementia.

Mindfulness Can Boost Kids’ Math Scores, Kindness, Likability
A new program emphasizing mindfulness techniques can help children become more caring and optimistic, improve their math scores and lower their stress.

Lucid Dreamers Are More Self-Reflective
The area of the brain that enables self-reflection is larger in those people who can control their dreams.

When Do We Turn to Superstitions
and Charms?

When “performance goals” become more uncertain, people use superstition to help achieve them.

"Honeycomb" Brain Damage Found in Troops Who Survive Explosions
Honeycomb-shaped patterns of broken and swollen nerve fibers have been discovered in the brains of some vets who have survived IEDs.

World of Psychology

10 More Things Your Therapist
Won't Tell You

A few years ago, we featured some of the secrets your therapist won't tell you. It's about time we revisited that topic and shared 10 more things your therapist likely won't tell you about therapy, treatment of mental illness, or their profession.

5 Tips for Becoming a Better Listener
As humans, we are naturally bad listeners - even with loved ones. Here are some steps for improving your listening skills.

Should You Ask Dr. Google Your Health Questions?
Turning to the Internet for answers to our health questions is a phenomenon unprecedented in human history.

What Does Treatment-Resistant
Really Mean?

How do you know the difference between being treatment-resistant and just not trying hard enough?

10 Ways to Win the Workplace War
on Stress

In order to cope with workplace stress, you need to accept that your job is the cause of your stress.

Best of our Blogs 

'14 of My Bad Habits'
(Tales of Manic Depression) – Despite our differences, and illnesses, we all have our vices or habits we hate but engage in regardless. Here is a list of Erica's 14 worst habits as a hypo-manic person.

How Real Is ADHD?
(ADHD Man of Distraction) - The next time someone tells you that ADHD doesn't exist, feel free to hand them a link to this post.

38 Tips For Finding Ways to Relax
(Caregivers, Family & Friends) - This past week I met with a few of my former colleagues and we ended up discussing the various ways we tend to de-stress over the weekend.

Quitting Smoking: Harder for Women
(The Science of Addiction) – It's important to understand the biological differences between males and females that can affect recovery efforts.

Understanding Trichotillomania
(Mental Health Awareness) – Trichotillomania is an impulse control disorder where a person constantly has the urge to pull out their hair.

Beyond the Bucket List:
Focusing on Tiny Thrills

(Weightless) - A bucket list is about once-in-a-lifetime adventure, but a "thimble list" is about all the tiny thrills you want to experience often.

10 Things to Say to a Loved One Who Struggles with Depression
(Sorting Out Your Life) - There are lots of blogs that talk about what not to say to someone who is depressed. Here are 10 positive things to say to help.

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Mental Health Break

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Ask the Therapist

My Wife Doesn't Show Me Love Anymore
My wife and I have been married for 4 years now. We started to have issues about 2 years ago. I feel like since we have been...

Can't Keep Friends & Don't Belong
I am getting older, it's getting harder for me to make friends and keep them. I never feel like I belong at home with the in-laws, school or at...

I May Have BPD or Another Personality Disorder
After puberty I went from being an outgoing and happy child to very moody and anti-social, especially once I got closer to young adulthood. I've gotten moodier and more aggressive...

I Hear the Voice of My Friend Who Died
I'm 14. I hear a girl's voice in my head, and it keeps telling me, "I'm still here with you," and recently my best friend killed herself...

Not Sure What Is Wrong, Life Is a Lie for Me
I've gotten too good at lying, I even believe myself. When I was in 5th grade my step-father told me it's what daughters do for their dads. I was...

Never Been Diagnosed, But May Have Problem with My Personality
Hello, I am concerned about my health. I feel like I have a superiority complex and that I am above people, which can seem odd or laughable in conversations. I...

Boyfriend's Family Is Distant from Me
My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year. He is my old boyfriend from years ago. We have been talking about marriage and our future plans, but...

My Boyfriend Can't Get Over My Past
I have a boyfriend of about a year, and he makes me super happy and we talk comfortably and laugh so easily together. We agree on everything...

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Rescheduled Webinar: Celebrate
Psych Central's 20th Anniversary!

We had to reschedule our 20th Anniversary celebration webinar that will give you the history of Psych Central, as presented by its founder, Dr. John Grohol. He'll also talk about Psych Central's future and be available for a Q&A session at the end of the webinar.Re-register today for this free event, kicking off our celebration of 20 years online!

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