2015년 2월 25일 수요일

If you could rebuild the Internet...

ITworld Tonight
February 25, 2015

If you could rebuild the Internet...

We asked some security experts about what they would change about how the Internet was built if they could go back to the early days of its development. READ MORE

Issue highlights


5 Chromebook tips and tricks to fine-tune your productivity

While Chrome OS started life as a simple, stripped-down browser and little else, Google's operating system now has tons of tools, tweaks, and customizations that let you tailor your Chromebook to your specific workflow needs. READ MORE

Digital religion and artificial wisdom

Will machine intelligence be so human that it will interest itself in worship? READ MORE

WIN THIS BOOK: Security in Computing, 5th Edition

We've got 5 copies to give to some lucky readers. Enter for your chance to win! READ MORE

Apple ordered to pay Texas company $532.9 million after losing patent case

Apple will appeal the verdict and called for patent reform to end lawsuits from companies that don't make products. READ MORE

Uber offers free rides to Koreans, hopes they won't report its illegal drivers to police

Uber Technologies is offering free rides on its uberX ride-sharing service in the South Korean capital of Seoul, after city authorities intensified their crackdown on illegal drivers by offering a reward to residents who report Uber drivers to police. READ MORE

Red Hat Shenandoah boosts Java garbage collection

Red Hat engineers are moving forward with their Shenandoah garbage collection technology, which would give Java a boost in large-heap applications. READ MORE

Facebook fixed 61 high-severity flaws last year through its bug bounty program

As a result of reports received through its bug bounty program Facebook confirmed and fixed 61 high-severity vulnerabilities last year, almost 50 percent more than in 2013. READ MORE

U.S. Army plans for a 100 petaflop supercomputer

HPC will play a vital role in future Army strategy planning. READ MORE

Europol and security vendors disrupt massive Ramnit botnet

European law enforcement agencies seized command-and-control servers used by Ramnit, a malware program that steals online banking credentials, FTP passwords, session cookies and personal files from victims. READ MORE
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