2015년 3월 13일 금요일

Reliable Source: Once upon a time Hillary Clinton donned a bunch of bad wigs in a hilarious Gridiron Club 'Forrest Gump' parody #TBT

The Washington Post
Reliable Source
Fri., Mar. 13, 2015
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Bryce Harper mentions a ring in new interview but not the kind you’re thinking
If you’re anything like us, the faintest mention of Nats slugger Bryce Harper and the word “ring” prompts visions of wedding bells on the fritz. No? You were thinking a championship ring? Fine, so was he. Harper, whose micro publicized wedding to longtime girlfriend Kayla Varner was canceled (or postponed or something) in January, recently sat down with Vegas Seven to …  Read full article »

Seven awesome (and, regrettably, fake) Secret Service agents
As far as action hero roles go, Secret Service agent is right up there with renegade cop or CIA agent. That might change after the string of scandals (hookers, boozy parties, and fence-jumpers) that’s beset the elite force, including the revelations on Wednesday that two top officers crashed into a White House barricade after drinking at …  Read full article »
Once upon a time Hillary Clinton donned a bunch of bad wigs in a hilarious Gridiron Club ‘Forrest Gump’ parody #TBT
It’s Hillary Clinton central this week, with the not-yet-presidential-candidate defending her use of private e-mails to much media clamor. And Saturday, the Gridiron Club, the elite society of top Washington journalists, holds its annual dinner. So here’s a perfect storm of a Throwback Thursday video that the Independent Journal Review dug up, featuring a skit of …  Read full article »
Actress who once played a slave at Mount Vernon makes it to Hollywood
Historical reenactors take heed, there’s a place for you in Hollywood. Way back in 2013, Maryland native Azie Mira Dungey, who spent most of 2010 playing a slave who’d lived on George Washington’s Mount Vernon circa 1795 (so many numbers), was best known for the viral series based on that surreal experience, “Ask a Slave.” The first …  Read full article »

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