2014년 12월 15일 월요일

Reliable Source: Mark Pryor engaged to girlfriend Joi Whitfield

The Washington Post
Reliable Source
Mon., Dec. 15, 2014
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President Obama to Ryan Seacrest: ‘Michelle is hard to shop for’
President Obama on Monday got some advice from DJ Ryan Seacrest about Christmas shopping for the first family. Obama was a guest on Seacrest’s radio show, where he reminded listeners about Monday’s deadline for signing up for health-care coverage. Of course, the subject of looming deadlines segued into a discussion of what gifts the president was buying … [continued]
Who wore the sweater vest best: Prince George, John McCain or Chuck Grassley?
Buckingham Palace this weekend released new baby pics of Prince George, the son of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, proving that the tiniest royal is as adorable as he is dapper. And while the pink-cheeked tyke might be social media’s latest darling (the photo got Kardashian-esque retweets), he’s not exactly a fashion pioneer — we can think … [continued]
Mark Pryor engaged to girlfriend Joi Whitfield
Outgoing Sen. Mark Pryor might have lost his reelection bid, but he’s got a reason to smile: The Arkansas Democrat is engaged to girlfriend Joi Whitfield. The Arkanas News reports that the senator brought Whitfield — and a ring — with him to Washington for the lame-duck session of Congress, his last after losing his Senate seat to … [continued]
The Washington Post. The all-new app is now on the Fire tablet. http://washingtonpost.com/fireapp
Mix the News: The Protest Playlist
Early on Saturday morning, busses filled with protesters from from North Carolina to New Jersey will roll into Washington. They’ll be here for the “Justice for All” march against police brutality organized by the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network. The march was announced the day after a Staten Island grand jury declined to indict an NYPD … [continued]

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