2015년 1월 30일 금요일

Astronomy Newsletter - 1/30/15

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Astronomy Magazine
 Email Newsletter 01/30/2015
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Getting to know Rosetta's comet

Initial results from seven of Rosetta’s 11 science instruments based on measurements made during the approach to and soon after arriving at 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko in August 2014 are revealing that the comet has a remarkable array of surface features and many processes that contribute to its activity, painting a complex picture of its evolution. By assuming an overall composition dominated by water ice and dust with a density of 90–125 pounds per cubic foot (1,500–2,000 kg/m3), the Rosetta scientists show that the comet has a very high porosity of 70–80 percent, with the interior structure likely comprising weakly bonded ice-dust clumps with small void spaces between them. The scientists have so far identified 19 regions separated by distinct boundaries, and following the ancient Egyptian theme of the Rosetta mission, these regions are named for Egyptian deities and are grouped according to the type of terrain dominant within. Read more.
Astronomy: Roen Kelly

Jupiter shines brightest in February

Our solar system’s largest planet hits opposition this month, making it a perfect target for the long winter nights. Read more.


Astronomy: Chuck Braasch and Roen Kelly
To celebrate the magazine's 500th issue, the editors ofAstronomy have dedicated 52 pages to what they think are the 500 coolest things about space. From historical milestones to recent discoveries, from objects here in our solar system to those at the far reaches of the universe, from manned spaceflight to robotic explorers, this special issue covers it all.
Readers also can share which of the 500 is their favorite anecdote for a chance to win a Celestron telescope with the Coolest Space Facts Contest. Learn more.
Issue Preview

Editor David J. Eicher shares highlights from the March issue. Watch now.


Observing podcast: Avery’s Island (NGC 2353), open cluster NGC 2343, and the Seagull Nebula (IC 2177), by Michael E. Bakich, senior editor
Dave’s UniverseSuperstars of Astronomy interviews begin with Jeff Hester, by David J. Eicher, editor
Blogs from the Local Group2015 Youth Essay Contest deadline fast approaches, by Karri Ferron, production editor
Galaxies Gallery: Spiral galaxy IC 356 -- Markus Blauensteiner captured this image from Mount Gahberg, Upper Austria.
Video: Tour the Solar System: Jupiter, with Richard Talcott, senior editor
The Sky this Week: A daily digest of upcoming celestial events, by Richard Talcott, senior editor
The Sky this Month: Jupiter shines brilliantly

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