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Upcoming Events and Webinars
January 29th Webinar: How Enterprises are Using NoSQL for Mission-Critical Applications
Learn how PayPal, Concur and Tesco are using Couchbase NoSQL to power their apps.
January 29th Webinar: Why Companies are Making the Shift from Relational to NoSQL Databases
Hear why companies are shifting from relational to NoSQL database technologies and the differences between the two types of databases.
February 17th - 20th: Strata + Hadoop World
Planning on attending Strata this year in San Jose?Schedule an onsite demo with the Couchbase engineering team who will be showing off the Couchbase Hadoop Connector and our brand new Couchbase to Apache Kafka Adapter. |
Customer Spotlight: Social Gaming Network
SGN's signature game Cookie Jam, Facebook's most popular game of 2014, boasts over 5 million users worldwide. As Cookie Jam's popularity grew, it needed a backend that could rapidly scale and maintain uptime.
SGN looked to Couchbase to support the huge spike in users and to scale quickly enough to avoid downtime.
New Customer SpotlightSee what companies are using Couchbase to power their web and mobile applications!
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