2015년 1월 30일 금요일

The beauty and diversity of Muslim life


JANUARY 30, 2015


Bassam Tariq: The beauty and diversity of Muslim life

04:38 minutes · TEDGlobal 2014
Bassam Tariq is a blogger, a filmmaker, and a halal butcher -- but one thread unites his work: His joy in the diversity, the humanness of our individual experiences. In this charming talk, he shares clips from his film "These Birds Walk" and images from his tour of 30 mosques in 30 days -- and reminds us to consider the beautiful complexity within us all.
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Where do ideas come from?

Where do ideas come from?

How does the metaphorical lightbulb go off? Is it a flash of genius? The power of crowds? These heady talks explore the nature of ideas themselves: Where they come from, how they evolve, and how each of us can nurture them. Watch »
8 talks · Total run time 2:03:24

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