2015년 1월 16일 금요일

The Daily Build - 16 Jan 2015. A Belly Dance in Holy Lands of MVC,MVP and MVVM Patterns via JavaScript

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Friday, January 16, 2015
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New Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips

Algorithms & Recipes

  (5 votes) by Super Lloyd (updated yesterday)
All the tools to calculate Distance to Bezier curve, find the root of Polynomial, do Complex math


  (2 votes) by Thinira_Manushan (updated yesterday)
In this tip, we discuss how to create and programmatically bind telerik report.


  (1 votes) by saramgsilva (updated 14 hours ago)
This article has the goal to show how to update a .Net Backend project from Azure Mobile Services, this mean we will update the references added to the project using Nuget packages.


  (6 votes) by Bhushan Mulmule (updated yesterday)
This write-up will take you through all the steps that are required to understand lambda expression thoroughly.

Client side scripting

  (2 votes) by JGrubb23 (updated yesterday)
Basic intro to using the Isilon OneFS REST API using C# .NET


  (4 votes) by Sandeep khairha (updated yesterday)
divide by zero
  (0 votes) by Liju Sankar (updated 22 hours ago)
Find progress of a database restore using sys.dm_exec_requests

Design and Architecture

  (0 votes) by Giancarlo Rhodes (updated 22 hours ago)
Part 1 – Creating the Web UI


  (8 votes) by Florian Rappl (updated 20 hours ago)
Gulp is a modern build system for web technologies. It is also integrated into ASP.NET MVC 6 and can be used in a lot of scenarios.


  (1 votes) by Arian Celina (updated yesterday)
Learning process of developers never ends. It is in our DNA to continuously feel the need to learn and self develop. As much as we learn, we have even more to learn. The technology world is moving so fast that to keep the pace and be up to date with cutting edge knowledge, we need to embrace learnin

Uncategorised Technical Blogs

  (0 votes) by Arian Celina (updated yesterday)
I trust anyone reading this post title most probably is expecting to see something like UML Design, OOP Design, writing code, etc. I would not consider these in required skills list, these are I would say, mandatory skills for a Software Architect. In my opinion, the most important skills for Softwa

Web Security

  (2 votes) by Arian Celina (updated yesterday)
I consider software development more art than exact science, and as such, in software development almost always there is not a single way of solving a problem. Although there are defined best practices, it is a matter of problem being solved and the knowledge of the team that influences most the def

Web Services

  (1 votes) by Arian Celina (updated yesterday)
It has been quite a time since Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Representational State Transfer (REST) architectures are around, yet there are some misconceptions about them I hear very often, which I would like to discuss here. 1. Having web services does not mean you have an SOA architectur

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Updated Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips


  (4 votes) by rld1971 (updated yesterday)
Adding a physics engine and investigating other .NET tools

Client side scripting

  (39 votes) by Amir Jalilifard (updated yesterday)
Lets take an exciting travel to the land of MVC, MVP and MVVM patterns with our sexy friend : JavaScript


  (6 votes) by Asif Bahrainwala (updated yesterday)
FFT using DX11 compute shader


  (16 votes) by Guruprasad.K.Basavaraju (updated yesterday)
An MVC application to make a copy of CodeProject articles in your Browser Cache using HTML5's AppCache feature

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