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Wall St Pays Top Executives to Move Into Government
An AFL-CIO investigation revealed a common Wall St practice of offering its top executives fat bonuses if they land a job in government. An AFL-CIO petition asks for a list of people who are eligible for such payments, but Citigroup has responded that this is private information.
ISIS's burning alive of Muadh al Kasasbeh has been denounced as an act of savagery, barbarism, and wanton cruelty--one from the "dark ages" and not of the modern world.
I ordered my Comcast service turned off on December 31st. I use a different provider for my internet WIFI, so I was 100% done with Comcast-- and with live TV.
In September 2013, New York City implemented a teacher evaluation based on Common Core test results, but neglected to create tests in subjects other than Math or English Language Arts. Instead, they simply assigned test scores in these subjects to everybody. Over a year later, we find teachers in danger of being fired, and inner city schools seeing teachers flee in fear of low scores.
Forget the Brian Williams saga that's gone viral. It's just a distraction because the much larger issue is this: distortion, misinformation & lies are reported daily by the entire MSM in the US & Europe. That's the real story. It has been revealed by Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, the former editor of a leading German newspaper who wrote a book, "Bought Journalists" which he says "characterizes the CIA control of the western media".
Canada no longer pretends to be a "peacekeeping" kind of country. Under the Harper neoConservatives, Canada has overtly sided with the U.S. and its imperial ambitions. More than that, it tries to front run many of the imperial ideas, trying to demonstrate, at least domestically, that Harper is one of the 'tough guys' on the block.
There is no evidence as it stands that a complex negotiation of at least a few months will ensue, as Athens tries to restructure how to deal with the troika. The ECB is now tacitly playing the game that Greece is essentially doomed. Ergo, the ECB is voting down Syriza, and actually supporting fascist Golden Dawn. That's central bank "democracy" for you.
America and Russia have two nearly opposite narratives on Ukraine, which is more an indictment of the U.S. news media which feigns objectivity but disseminates what amounts to propaganda. These divergent narratives are driving the world toward a possible nuclear crisis, writes Robert Parry.
The heavy losses sustained by Ukraine's inexperienced army and the terrible suffering of the civilians in Lugansk and Donetsk are of no interest to US war-planners. Their job is to make sure that peace is avoided at all cost because peace would derail US plans to pivot to Asia and remain the world's only superpower.
The main thing that Fox News has to sell is fear. It's a giant fear-mongering machine that works really, really well. By airing the gruesome ISIS execution video, Fox News knew that it would be building fears over ISIS in the American people. By airing the video, Fox News became ISIS' new best friend. And by airing the video, Roger Ailes and Fox News are promoting terrorism.
Buses, trains, bikes, and walking represent more than an efficient means of getting from one place to another. They move us toward a brighter future because of the many social and economic benefits they foster.
A push back against the recent media/science campaign to marginalize anyone who dares to disagree with the vaccine narrative.
"They found the standard star has about two planets in the so-called goldilocks zone, the distance from the star where liquid water, crucial for life, can exist. 'The ingredients for life are plentiful, and we now know that habitable environments are plentiful,' said Associate Professor Lineweaver, from the ANU Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics and the Research School of Earth Sciences. 'However, the universe is not teeming with aliens with human-like intelligence that can build radio telescopes and space ships. Otherwise we would have seen or heard from them. It could be that there is some other bottleneck for the emergence of life that we haven't worked out yet. Or intelligent civilisations evolve, but then self-destruct.' The team extrapolated from Kepler's results using the theory that was used to predict the existence of Uranus. 'We used the Titius-Bode relation...'"
"Scientists working on Europe's Planck satellite say the first stars in the Universe lit up later than was previously thought. The team has made the most precise map of the 'oldest light' in the cosmos. Earlier observations of this radiation had suggested that the first generation of stars burst into life about 420 million years after the Big Bang. The new Planck data now indicates they fired up around 560 million years after the Universe got going. 'This difference of 140 million years might not seem that significant in the context of the 13.8-billion-year history of the cosmos, but proportionately it's actually a very big change in our understanding of how certain key events progressed at the earliest epochs,' said Prof George Efstathiou, one of the leaders of the Planck Science Collaboration. The assessment is based on studies of the 'afterglow' of the Big Seed"...
Swedish auto magazine Vi Bilagare said its tests showed the Volvo S60, V70 and S80 models exposed drivers to 12 to 18 microtesla.
Has the human soul been found by science? A controversial quantum theory of consciousness called "Orch OR" (which stands for "orchestrated objective reduction") recently had a review, and the scientists supporting this idea are claiming the recent discovery of quantum vibrations in "microtubules" inside brain neurons corroborates their beliefs. Professor Hameroff, and Sir Roger Penrose, mathematical physicist at the Mathematical Institute and Wadham College and University of Oxford, believe overall brain function derives from quantum level microtubule vibrations. The connection to space--time geometry also raises the intriguing possibility that "Orch OR" allows consciousness apart from the brain and body, distributed and entangled in space--time geometry. Consciousness, or its immediate precursor proto-consciousness, has been in the universe all along, perhaps from the Big Bang.
The Super Bowl is a spectacle like no other -- fireworks, celebrities, multi-million dollar ads, even sharks inexplicably on stage. What more could a fan want? Apparently they wanted for nothing because it was announced Super Bowl XLIX was the most watched Super Bowl in history. That's not all: More Americans watched Super Bowl XLIX, at 161.3 million, than actually voted in the last presidential election, at 129.2 million. For all its spectacle, a presidential election apparently can't compete with soft ball debates and a bouncing Katy Perry. It was also the most tweeted about Super Bowl, which means all those couch quarterbacks were letting the world know how they felt about every play. The 49.7/72 rating is four percent higher than last year's game (47.6/70 for Super Bowl XLVIII on FOX, in which the Seahawks defeated the Broncos 43-8) and is three percent higher than the prior record.
Should a kid consult a lawyer before saying his evening prayers?
A senior Israeli official suggested on Friday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had been misled into thinking an invitation to address the U.S. Congress on Iran next month was fully supported by the Democrats. Netanyahu was invited by the Republican speaker of the house, John Boehner, to address Congress on March 3, an invitation Boehner originally described as bipartisan. The official said Netanyahu would not cancel the speech because the address to Congress could help pass a bill, opposed by Obama, for new U.S. sanctions on Iran.
Yes, it was hard to get back to sleep the night we heard the news of the Jordanian pilot's horrendous end. ISIS be damned! I thought. But with the next breath I could only think that our own barbarians did not have to wait at any gate. They were insiders. Home grown. Godly. Our neighbors, friends, and kin. People like us.
Class Struggle in Brazil Heats Up in Aftermath of Re-election of President Dilma Rousseff | Socialist Organizer
Hours before Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) compared Europe's attitude toward Russian President Vladimir Putin to appeasement toward Nazi Germany, German ambassador Peter Wittig warned U.S. hawks not to see a military solution as the only way forward on Ukraine. He said "an unusual trip" by the leaders of Germany and France to Moscow on Friday -- may still bear fruit. German Chancellor Angela Merkel "would not go there if she had no hope something would be achieved," he said. "She's not going empty-handed."
Gov. Chris Christie vetoed a package of bills Thursday that would require New Jersey state and local government agencies and bistate authorities to buy more American-made products. Christie said foreign-headquartered companies are responsible for more than 225,000 jobs in New Jersey and that the vetoed bills would have increased costs to taxpayers and threatened job creation.
A group of Senate and House Republicans have revealed the Republican Party's replacement plan for the ACA that contains no healthcare and would take away coverage from 22.5 million Americans. Sens. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Richard Burr (R-NC), and Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI) introduced their answer to the ACA, which they have named the Patient Choice, Affordability, Responsibility, and Empowerment (CARE) Act. Republicans have introduced a health care plan that doesn't contain any health care. These are the same old ideas that Republicans have been trying to dress up as health care reform for decades.
exposing the hypocrisy of the "savagery" of burning alive a Jordanian pilot and the "savagery" of Shock and Awe
Two suburban Wisconsin lawmakers have unveiled an economic development plan for the lowest-income neighborhoods of Milwaukee, and their "solutions" for the Wisconsin communities hit hardest by deindustrialization come directly from a national right-wing playbook.
Article reports on federal investigation into various misdeeds committed by a federal prosecutor and ATF agent who were involved in an illicit affair.
Why does U.S. law prevent American military personal access to the truth?
Don't think Obama is the most bellicose president in history? Check out his 2016 budget, which if passed would mean 69 cents of every tax dollar goes to warmaking, writes TCBH! journalist Dave Lindorff
For too long the domain of the 'time-rich' whack job, in an age of paranoia and suspicion, along with that of government & institutional secrecy, it's perhaps time to 'rebuild the brand' of the much-maligned "conspiracy theory". In this first part of a 3 parter, Greg Maybury pulls the blinds, dons his Comalco hat and embarks on what might be a quixotic quest. But he argues, paranoid times call for desperate measures.
On Wednesday, the European Central Bank announced that it would no longer accept Greek government debt as collateral for loans. This move, it turns out, was more symbolic than substantive. Still, the moment of truth is clearly approaching. Germany is demanding that Greece keep trying to pay its debts in full by imposing incredibly harsh austerity. The implied threat if Greece refuses is that the central bank will cut off the support it gives to Greek banks, which is what Wednesday's move sounded like but wasn't. And that would wreak havoc with Greece's already terrible economy.
The economy barreled through the last three months with strong momentum, the Labor Department said Friday, as American employers added 257,000 jobs in January, wage growth rebounded and more people went looking for work in an improving labor market. Average hourly earnings rose 0.5 percent in January, the biggest monthly gain in more than six years, though it followed a disappointing drop in December. Over the last 12 months, wages advanced at a 2.2 percent pace, significantly ahead of the inflation rate.
Add affordable housing to President Barack Obama's list of unilateral actions on which he's flexing his muscles at an unfriendly Congress. The administration's steps to expand mortgage lending and promote affordable housing may not have drawn the kind of attention that his actions on immigration have, but they have infuriated GOP lawmakers already feverishly trying to block the earlier actions. As with the president's other orders, however, Republicans' options are limited. They lack a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, let alone the votes to overturn a presidential veto of legislative obstacles. So the executive branch is moving forward.
"What exactly happened after the Universe was born? Why did stars, planets and huge galaxies form? So-called quantum fluctuations support a theory that provides a precise picture of the crucial initial phase of the evolution of our Universe: this accounts for the formation of stars, planets and galaxies that characterize the Universe we observe today. Mukhanov's calculations first demonstrated that such quantum fluctuations could give rise to density differences in the early Universe, which in turn could serve as seeds for the galaxies and their clusters. 'Gravitational waves may well be there, but clearly our instruments are not yet sensitive enough to pick them up.' Whether the search for primordial gravitational waves succeeds, no model that tries to capture the immediate aftermath of the Big Bang can now leave the quantum origin of the Universe's structure out."
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