2015년 3월 13일 금요일

Astronomy Newsletter - 3/13/15

Astronomy Magazine
 Email Newsletter 03/13/2015
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Leslie Marczi

Witness darkness at midday

Europe promises to be the center of the astronomical world March 20. On that day, the Sun, Moon, and Earth align, and the Moon casts its shadow onto Earth’s surface. Where the alignment is exact — along a path that skirts south of Iceland before crossing the Danish Faroe Islands and Norway’s island of Spitsbergen — people will witness totality and bask in the glow of the Sun’s stunning corona. Across the remainder of Europe, observers will see a partial eclipse. This northern track means the Sun hangs low in the sky along the entire eclipse track. On the Faroe Islands, which lie about halfway between Iceland and Norway, totality occurs with the Sun 20° above the southeastern horizon some three hours after sunrise. The total phase lasts about two minutes, with the precise duration depending on your location. And if you can’t witness the event in person, you can always watch live coverage of the eclipse online. Read more.
ESA-Hubble/NASA/S. Geier

Thermonuclear supernova ejects galaxy’s fastest star

US 708 is a rapidly rotating, compact helium star likely formed by interaction with a close companion. Read more.


Astronomy: NASA/ESA/The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
The special collector’s edition April issue of Astronomymagazine celebrates 25 years of great imagery and science from the Hubble Space Telescope with a package of stories highlighting its greatest discoveries, the various shuttle missions that saved it, its impact on pop culture, and much more.
BONUS ONLINE FEATURE: How the Hubble Space Telescope changed the cosmos, with exclusive interviews, extensive graphics, and much more.
We’ve also updated the latest Web extras that complement April’s stories. Subscribers can:
Issue Preview

Editor David J. Eicher shares highlights from the April issue. Watch now.


Observing podcast: Spiral galaxy M61, the Silver Needle Galaxy (NGC 4244), and spiral galaxy NGC 3998, by Michael E. Bakich, senior editor
Dave’s UniverseAstronomy leads education for Asteroid Day, by David J. Eicher, editor
Blogs from the Local GroupDid Ceres once have oceans and life? NASA aims to find out, by Eric Betz, associate editor
Nebulae Gallery: The Helix Nebula -- Sebastien St-Jean submitted this image he captured with friends from Rodeo, New Mexico.
NEW Video: Easy-to-Find Objects in the 2015 Spring Sky, with Michael E. Bakich, senior editor
NEW Superstars of Astronomy podcast: Alan Stern: New Horizons and Pluto, with David J. Eicher, editor
The Sky this Week: A daily digest of upcoming celestial events, by Richard Talcott, senior editor
The Sky this Month: Darkness at midday

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