2015년 3월 6일 금요일

Child-Abandoning Ark. Rep Explains Why He Regifted Unwanted Children

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Y'all, this story about Ark. Rep. Justin Harris, the one who gave his adopted child to a rapist, just gets weirder and weirder. Click both of those, you'll see.
Would you like some other funny stories from Thursday at Wonkette? FEAST ON THESE:
1. Pat Robertson thinks you should only do demon-healing in Pat Robertson-approved ways.
2. Some Georgia Republicans decided to wait until the lone Democrat on their committee was taking a whizz to vote on a gay-bashing thing the Democrat was blocking.
3. This 12 year-old Obama-hater sure does know how to be a conservative victim, doesn't he?
4. The Girl Scouts have a new cookie, what flavor is it? LESBIAN.
5. Semi-Nice Time: These nice prison inmates decided to save a guard from being raped, good job on that one day, guys!
Now go to your Wonkette and read everything else you missed on Thursday and remember that sharing is caring, so if you read something you really like (OR THAT YOU HATE), share it with your Facebook or your Twitter or your Reddit or your knitting circle or your therapist, you know, whoever you share things with.
. . .
Hey, you know our awesome Elizabeth Warren coffee mug? We're now making the same design available on tee shirts, for both the mens and the womens!
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