2015년 3월 13일 금요일

Red Hat wants to do for containers what it's done for Linux

Today's InfoWorld Headlines: Wrap Up
March 12, 2015

Red Hat wants to do for containers what it's done for Linux

Can Red Hat do for containers and microservices what it's done for Linux? That's the latest plan, as Red Hat unveils two software products and a partner program intended to put the company at the center of all matters container-related.

Issue highlights

White Paper: Damballa

The Cost of Malware Containment

The recent Target, Home Depot, JPMorgan Chase and Sony Pictures Entertainment breaches are examples of how destructive malware can be to an organization’s reputation and financial stability. Moreover, the severity and frequency of malware attacks has increased significantly in the past year. LEARN MORE

Microsoft's latest patch re-issue introduces problems

Microsoft has reissued a botched patch from October 2014 -- and the new patch is introducing all sorts of errors. READ MORE

Docker's new acquisition does containers on the desktop

The company's latest buy, Kitematic, focuses on using Docker on Mac desktops -- and soon Windows as well. READ MORE
White Paper: Damballa

State of Infections Report - Q4 2014

After a year of mind-boggling breach headlines, it’s clear the approach to network security has to change. Attackers continually get away with epic heists while defenders get tripped up by their own security weapons. LEARN MORE

Dumped by Pivotal, Groovy moves to Apache

With Pivotal about to pull funding for Groovy, the dynamic language project is moving over to the Apache Software Foundation. Groovy has been formally submitted to Apache and is on a path to becoming a top-level project. READ MORE

Security testing compliance down from last year

Compliance rates between audits increased substantially across all PCI DSS requirements except for security testing, according to a report released Wednesday by Verizon. READ MORE
White Paper: Damballa

Bot Detection is Integral to Security

Threat detection methods must evolve to keep up with cunning malicious actors. Popular technologies like sandboxing can miss advanced threats altogether. Learn how Damballa’s Failsafe can detect bot intention and nature to identify infections that bypass prevention controls. LEARN MORE

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