2015년 3월 11일 수요일

Reliable Source: Robin Wright on who (or what) inspired Claire Underwood

The Washington Post
Reliable Source
Wed., Mar. 11, 2015
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CEO who makes $4 million a year is auctioning off her record collection to employees
Rebecca Rimel, CEO of the Pew Charitable Trusts, one of the most powerful and well-funded philanthropies in the country, is into Hendrix, the Stones, the Doors and even a little James Brown. We know this because Rimel is currently auctioning off a massive collection of nearly 200 albums to her employees via a week-long auction. The announcement was made via …  Read full article »

Want to know whether Hillary Clinton will run for president in 2016? Chelsea Clinton has an answer for you.
Over the past week, we’ve heard a lot from new mom Chelsea Clinton, who recently set out on a Clinton Foundation media tour. But anyone looking for a gotcha moment, a juicy headline or an off-the-cuff comment from the always unflappable former first daughter, won’t find much, if anything, to choose from. As Clinton sits down with everyone from …  Read full article »
Robin Wright on who (or what) inspired Claire Underwood
Remember last year when actress Robin Wright, who so effortlessly embodies “ice queen” Claire Underwood (yes, that was shade) in the hit Netflix drama, told us she was channeling cartoon villain Cruella De Vil? [Related: "Actress Robin Wright on White House correspondents: ‘Who are they?’"] Turns out the Golden Globe winner wasn’t telling the whole truth — or any …  Read full article »
The liquor lobby raises a glass to its history at the National Archives
Resolved: the whole “slap ‘chief’ in front of made-up title to make it sound wonky” meme is worn out. But in the curious case of local liquor hero Derek Brown the weighty title “Chief Spirits Advisor for the National Archives Foundation” (the organization’s first ever, obviously) fits. At an opening reception on Monday, Brown, a semifinalist for a James Beard Award …  Read full article »

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