2014년 12월 16일 화요일

A weekly newsletter highlighting everything AngularJS

Happy Tuesday! It's been a week with some fun developments -- building an Instagram-like application with Sahat, a Yahoo! engineer that doesn't appear to take any breaks according to his GitHub account; a ginormous and unstoppable list of useful resources for beginners and developers alike; and how to do login with in Angular. Also check out ngMario from Karol Fabjańczuk and the LumX framework if you're a fan of Material Design.

Build an Instagram clone with AngularJS, Satellizer, Node.js and MongoDB

by @sahat
The best way to learn something is to build something you may want to use or see exist. Well, Instagram has recently surpassed Twitter in the number of active users. Sahat, an engineer at Yahoo with no shortage of open source contributions, puts together a great tutorial on building Instagram with AngularJS and many other popular libraries commonly used in the JS community. It's worth a solid look.
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The Ginormous and Unstoppable List of Useful Angular Resources

At ng-newsletter, we get a lot of new subscribers as well as many experienced developers. Sometimes it's just hard to find one place that has all your needs. People continue to put together great lists of resources and we can't help but share them with new and old AngularJS developers alike.
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Authentication made simple in Single Page AngularJS Applications

Login on a SPA (sing page app) can be tough and it’s important that your integration doesn’t interfere with the flow of your application. It can become a crutch if you’re not really sure whether the user is authenticated and resorting to explicit checks all over the place.
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LumX: The first responsive front-end framework based on AngularJS & Google Material Design specifications.

by @lumapps
Loved what you saw with some demonstrations of Google's Material Design in weeks past? LumX is a framework that may aid you in designing beautiful AngularJS applications with Material Design swiftly. The team behind it has attempted to adhere to Google guidelines while "respecting metrics in a pixel perfect way."
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Karol Fabjańczuk - AngularJS - Lessons Learned

by @karol-f
Anybody remember ngMario? Well, this is its creator showing us the many lessons learned building it with AngularJS coupled with beautiful slides to illustrate and get some invaluable points across. Definitely worth watching if you've just begun your journey with Angular.
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Promises in AngularJS, Explained as a Cartoon

Promises, while easy for many, scare off a lot of people as well. Sometimes they're misunderstood and we can't find alternate contexts in which to explain them. Try this cartoon. It just might do the trick.
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