2014년 12월 16일 화요일

All Things Must Pass

Apollo, Apollo

General web

Now you can man the Apollo Guidance Simulator, the relatively important computer that helped man either land on the moon or pretend to land on the moon. It’s been recreated in JavaScript [svtsim].
Labelauty [github/fntneves] is a jQuery library to make checkboxes and radio buttons more beautiful.
SSH chat [github/shazow] is a SSH chat server created in Go.
CSSURL [github/nzakas] is a collection of JavaScript utilities to help rewrite URLs using CSS.
Here’s a great post about improving performance by lazy loading Google Maps [osvaldas].
And here’s an interesting look at Netflix’s telemetry platform [techblog.netflix].

Time is a Flat Color


Here’s a collection of elastic SVG elements [tympanus].
Layup [layup] is a platform for designers to find talented prospects via the Dribbble API.

All Things Must Pass


First up on SitePoint for today’s edition, Craig Buckler takes a look at passwordless login — genius or folly?.
Then there’s an examination of Semantic UI’s new version.
And here’s a look at the UX of error messages.
Also, we released a book! An intro to the MEAN stack, which is also mean by nature.
Finally for this section, AngularJS and Drupal: together at last.

Angry JailBirds


Your fancy Nest thermostat has probably already told you this, but they now have voice commands and Google Now integration [arstechnica].
Here’s the transparent tablet prisoners use [motherboard.vice]. Presumably they’re not jailbroken, though. Prisons seem to take a pretty firm line on that.

Sous Good


You can now help map the world’s financial industry [mapthebanks] which sounds like a really fun time!
Here’s how you make a DIY sous vide machine [fab.cba.mit], right in time for sous vide-ing some turkey or Christmas cake.
Finally, some interesting ideas about the future of drones: could they be the next smartphone? [motherboard.vice]. Probably, who knows?

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