2015년 2월 23일 월요일

Forthcoming: Mathematics Education in Korea - Volume 2: Contemporary Trends in Researches in Korea

World Scientific
Imperial College Press
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We are pleased to introduce the following title that may be of interest to you. If you like what you see, do recommend it to your library and colleagues.
Mathematics Education in
Series on Mathematics Education: Volume 11
Mathematics Education in Korea
Volume 2: Contemporary Trends in Researches in Korea
edited by Jinho Kim (Daegu National University of Education, Korea)Inki Han (Gyeongsang National University, Korea),Mangoo Park (Seoul National University of Education, Korea)Joongkwoen Lee (Dongguk University, Korea)Buy Now
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hardcover:US$88 / £58 / S$111 US$70.40 / £46.40 / S$88.80
ebook:US$66 / £44 / S$83 US$52.80 / £35.20 / S$66.40
This volume shows how the history and practices of mathematics education in Korea (from Volume 7) have been influenced by Japan, America and other countries, developing into the unique Korean style of mathematics education.Research content and practices currently being conducted are also covered, as well as topics like teacher education, special mathematics education, research trends and some perspectives towards the future of mathematics education in Korea.
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