2015년 2월 4일 수요일

Good-bye and good riddance: The gift of getting fired - 02

Off the Record
February 04, 2015

Good-bye and good riddance: The gift of getting fired

A techie runs the gauntlet with a distant, demanding boss -- and comes out the winner after the ordeal.

Issue highlights

White Paper: IBM

5 Tips for Success with Customer Analytics

Discover five tips for success with customer analytics, and how a better understanding of your customers in context increases revenue and deepens loyalty.LEARN MORE

Install once, fail twice: A tale of shoddy upgrade

Two is the unlucky number for one company where an Internet upgrade starts off wrong, then bites back later. READ MORE

Data spot check: Oh no, could it all be wrong?

A techie stumbles upon the perfect storm of a cranky system and dubious data -- and the troubling results of their union. READ MORE
White Paper: Kaspersky Lab, Inc.

Top 10 Tips for Educating Employees about Cybersecurity

Do you know the most common risk factor for corporate cybercrime? Employees. Download Kaspersky Lab’s Top 10 Tips for Educating Employees about Cybersecurity to learn: • Why and how to develop an effective security policy • Examples of common threats to employees and your business • Tools to reduce risk and cybercrime LEARN MORE

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