2015년 2월 4일 수요일

Healthy, Easy Dinner: Stuffed Peppers Under 300 Calories

Wednesday February 04
Wednesday February 04
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The Fuel
Get Your Protein Fix With This Quick Quinoa Dish
Quinoa is super high in protein, gluten-free, and rich in some serious power nutrients, such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus, thiamin, and folate. If you haven't explored the world of quinoa yet, this recipe makes for a quick, easy, and delicious introduction.
Get the recipe »

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The Fuel
Becoming a Healthy Teenager
Check out this Q&A where I help a 16-year-old reader, Whitney, learn how to make healthy life choices. Without the help of your family and friends, it can be hard to get started!
Try these healthy tips for teens »

The Challenge
Move of the Week: Tricep Kickbacks
When you have toned triceps — you can wear whatever sleeveless shirts you want! Sounds great, right? Say goodbye to upper-arm jiggle by practicing this move.
Master this exercise »

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