2015년 2월 11일 수요일

Naomi Klein | How to Build a More Kick-Ass Climate Movement

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Naomi Klein | How to Build a More Kick-Ass Climate Movement 
Naomi Klein. (photo: Guardian UK)

Naomi Klein, Grist
Klein writes: "There are people who are working on climate where that doesn't intersect nearly enough with the people working for the public sphere, fighting for the commons, fighting against austerity - even when it's the same people."

John Cassidy | What Kind of Conservative Is Jeb Bush? 
John Cassidy, The New Yorker 
Cassidy writes: "The soft rollout of Jeb Bush's 2016 Presidential bid continues." 

Murder of 3 Muslims in US Elicits Criticism Over Media Blackout
Alex MacDonald, Middle East Eye
MacDonald writes: "A shooting in the US, which has reportedly left three Muslims dead in a North Carolina university town, has set social media buzzing over accusations major media outlets have failed to give the story adequate coverage."

Yemeni Rebels Seize US Embassy Vehicles After Diplomats Flee
Excerpt: "Armed Houthi rebels in the Yemeni capital Sanaa seized U.S. embassy vehicles after the ambassador and diplomats left the country on Wednesday, local members of embassy staff told Reuters."

Bernie Sanders Wants Wealthy to Pay Same for Social Security as the Middle Class
Rebecca Shabad, The Hill
Shabad writes: "Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Tuesday proposed raising Social Security taxes to extend the life of the entitlement program and increase benefits."

Billionaire Governor Bruce Rauner Declares War on Illinois State Unions Through Executive Order
David Moberg, In These Times
Moberg writes: "Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner launched the first of his promised attacks on the state's labor unions on Monday with an executive order intended to end the legal requirement for Illinois state workers who are not members of unions to pay agency or 'fair share' fees to cover the costs to the union of bargaining on their behalf."

White House: Climate Change Threatens More Americans Than Terrorism
Clare Foran, National Journal
Foran writes: "White House press secretary Josh Earnest said on Tuesday that President Obama believes that climate change affects far more Americans than terrorism does."

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